the world makes us feel weak. The 'pro-choice' movement argues that a woman should have a choice to keep . Im struggling with my decision and I almost wish someone could just make it for me. You are making the best decision for yourself at this point in time , I feel like I can relate and that give me a lil strength. A boy or a girl? And I havent heard from him since. Putting the baby first. This apparently isnt convincing enough, and he asks if Ive taken any more havent I considered it could be a false positive? Yes, he did everything he was supposed to and yes the tests afterwards declared him sterile. I was very helpless. My biggest fear is not be Abel to give my girl a sibling I will be 39 in a couple of days so . My boyfriend has two children ages 18 and 13. However, I was quite blue that I was no longer pregnant and I actually experienced a bit of anger as the situation brought up unpleasant feelings from the past. It is a very heartbreak-ling sad feeling. Id give anything to see my baby smile. They were in no particular order: I broke up with your dad and essentially kicked him out of our apartment. Abandonment threatI couldnt believe it. All the what-ifs led me to deciding that the best decision for me would be to terminate. To cheer you up when you're sad. So thank you, next week Im going for it, as difficult as it is, as much as I want this child and already love him/her I have to be realistic and also ask, what kind of life would I be offering this child. Im broken over this. And even though he ejaculated irresponsibly, and voiced that he wanted me to become pregnant.. as soon as I was, we both knew what needed to happen and he was on board. I like the word dad because Father is in Heaven. Always imagine what he or she will look like. He met my dad. i know its just rational thinking, but it still hurts a lot. I dont think Ill ever forgive myself, I dropped out of school and my life is a mess. I realize this is an odd place to share this information, and I am in a much different situation now, but several years ago my partner and I struggled through severe male factor infertility when TTC my youngest. I cant make up my mind. So I can understand your conflicting emotions. It is a very hard decision to make thinking about having our fist baby but I have no choice. Up to this moment Im still thinking of her, asking God and her for forgiveness. He keeps trying to make me have the child and give my child full custody and I feel like he wants to rob me because I cant afford to have a child of my own. How I wish I was brave enough to shrugged off the opinion of other people,my friends and family. But why was this pregnancy right now? Open Letter Concerning the Killing of "Baby Amanda" I walked back to the preschool where I work with ten minutes to spare and decided, Ill just do it now. Again, I sleep in the same room as your dad that night, and when my alarm goes off, I get ready to take the bus to work. Emotionally I suffered very badly for the first 2 weeks after the abortion (even to the point of being suicidal at times which is massively out of character for me) I was warned that pregnacy hormones around this time are at their strongest and to expect extreme moods. The article reappeared in 1980, and was turned into a song in 2005. . I want you to know, I understand. To explain the center's work, Pinson told a story about a girl who showed up with her mom on the morning the Heartbeat Act took effect, asking for an abortion. I felt like he had to know it is his right to know. She is a lover of writing, hiking, spending as much time outside as possible, and going to concerts. Walgreens Won't Sell Abortion Pills in Most Republican-Led States I hate myself already and now my boyfriend hates me too and I feel trapped. I pull out a second test with two pink lines, that I took while on the phone with my sister this time in the apartment, this time repeating different expletives. I said this is the hormones speaking and she did the right thing. Weve trien for 8 yeats now and decided that if I turned 30 which is Dec of this year and I am not pregnant, we will give up. A postabortion woman wrote the following letter to her aborted baby, who she named Grace: "Everyone close to me was affected by that awful day - none more so than you and I though. And try my hardest at everything I do. Hes basically ignoring me emotionally but talking to me civil. You were crying, but I was dealing with the most pain of all. My boyfriend was completely supportive of me and even now when I talk about the baby he knows that it makes me feel better. Im 9 weeks, and he pretends like it does not exist. I dont want having another baby to be detrimental to my current children and cant help think that it will be. Even if i dont want an abortion, i have to do it for my future and my boyfriends future. I want my baby so much but my family are pushing for a termination as I should be having a child when the timing is right. I cant seem to decide on this but I know I have to do it And Ive been crying the past few days because I know I dont want to be separated from my first baby but I cant.. I wish I could have kept him/her. Everyone at work keeps getting pregnant and every time I hurt. The way you wrote it felt so close to home for me and i just wanted to say thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. This broke him completely when I got the abortion done. I just had to message to empathise that this is not an easy decision and I understand the turmoil you are likely going through right now. My periods had always been very irregular and I had taken over the counter tests when it got late but I got negatives the both times so I was certain I wasnt pregnant. All Ive ever wanted is to me a mom. Im praying that I get an opportunity to meet her one day .. look into her sweet little face and just hold her and never ever let her go. My significant other is leaving the decision to me and will support either way it goes but I just dont know what to do. I'm growing a little bit every day, I am 31 and have a 4 year old and an 8 year old step daughter. Im struggling with this right now. Mark Ruffalo spoke out on reproductive rights this weekend, penning a letter in support of a woman's right to choose. Top human rights organizations are calling on the United Nations to intervene over the destruction of abortion rights in the US.. My mother killed me. we are just buying a house and i know money isnt good right now, but i cant help but hate his kids now bc i had to give up mine. My Unborn Love By Reading this story and the comments gave me some of the comfort I needed. This post hit home for me. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . My mother killed me | Parent24 On the day of the appointment I cried so much I couldnt get myself to do it and as time went on I decided to keep him. If there is a heart beat I really dont feel I can abort but Im afraid the stress he will give me will cause me to miscarry anyway. Please Mommy, don't let them hurt me- I regret having the abortion because of many things and I ask hem to have another baby even if my situation was the same but he said he didnt want to have a baby he was hart broken every time he see kids he would say my baby wouldve been her or his age and that kills me inside I cry for so many nights and days I still do. Hi Sarah, Ive just had a baby (two weeks ago) at 40, I do feel age is but a number. Parental Consent & Notification Laws | Teen Abortion Laws Eventually with some deep talks from my family I booked an appointment and decided it was best not to have the baby I had to have a surgical abortion at 16 weeks . Then I went into early menopause at 34 and never had kids. Thank you for sharing your story. I have never cried to hard in my life. I had an abortion back in 1999. I was accepted into a Masters program the day before. I pull out a second test with two pink lines, that I took while on the phone with my sister this time in the apartment, this time repeating different expletives. I loved this poem so much, it made me cry. I dont feel like he was there for me as he should. I read this the night before my appointment for my abortion. And each month, when it decided to, my period came. I was rattled with anxiety and guilt and overwhelmed. I was 5 weeks. This is just not exactly what I wanted for her and Im scared to lose my best friend in a sense because Im not quite ready to grow up that fast. That exact day I started bleeding I went to the ER and they said I might miscarry again I told him and he is convinced I am going to lose the baby. I have seen many of my patients go through something similar and it is never easy. I told him to not come at all and I would be fine. I just found out I am pregnant at 42. I really didn't want to die. Hi, Mommy. Please look into and join the face book group I Regret My Abortion there is a logo of a rainbow. This experience has done extraordinary things to me so far i have softened and really felt into my feminine. I cough and drink more water until it goes down, close to you. I got an abortion two years ago and while I know it was the right decision it is something I still mourn, that was my first and my only as well and this article HITS HOME. I dont want one. I dont know how to help her other than being there. When I first found out I initially was a bit upset but over a few days I grew very attached. Collection of 38 Abortion Poems That Get You Feel Sad & Guilty - OZoFe.Com I just passed the due date of what would have been my baby had i decided not to terminate. To Be Born: A Letter From An Aborted Child - Catholic-Link We agonized over what to do and spent a week making our decision which whilst incredibly painful was ultimately the right one for us. Please please please pray for us so that my darling would come back to me. He would have been 7 and his name was Dyno. She is planning to keep the baby because she doesnt think she could handle the depression that would follow an abortion. I love this man but i dont want a baby now and i feel the worst human being in this world for thinking that way. American liberals are debating the merits of "after birth abortion." On 29 July 2015, the unreliable web site Conservative Post published an article titled "Liberals Debate . I cant imagine what I would have done if I wasnt able to have an abortion. We had to double down on our declaration our family was complete. Please keep your baby. more by Gabrielle Kruger. All other content on this website is Copyright 2006-2023 FFP Inc. All rights reserved. Would adoption be something you could manage? Now I m just waiting for my appointment but I feel so shit , down and gonna cry all the time.