We can make the crucial difference in world events. Thank you God for giving me this golden opportunity to play my role as a light bearer! But when you close your eyes and concentrate on the energy center between your eyebrows, you can sometimes see the violet flame at work with your inner eye. It is the elixir of the age. It gives us peace of mind when theres anxiety. "If we will visualize ourselves standing in this sphere of violet light and feel that violet flame passing through all of our consciousnessour mind, our feelings, our emotionsthis . Has anyone doing the violet flame experience that? VF is so very pure energy so try to understand what that is and the Summithouse gives you information on it. Also do not judge appearances (ie this good and this bad) in this world because if you do you give them power to manifest more! Is there a scientific evidence that the violet flame works? And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma . So my life now is all about service and reaching the higher states first the Christ then the Cosmic Union with God the Father State. For centuries, spiritual alchemists have sought after the philosophers stone and the transformation of led into gold. Ive found this to be a great inner work practice. After 30 days, see what transformative changes happened in your life. Jesus asked us to pray, Thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. Think of electricity there has to be balance so negative and positive cancels each other out. I personally think the healing was a gift and based on the transmutation of the injury and its effects. We have the free will to qualify Gods energy coming to us. Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? St Germain Violet Flame | Visualize The Violet Flame Meditation - SGF Violet Flame is the discovery of a lifetime. It is definitely safe to harness the power of this healing method yourself. Fire is the only one of the four classical elements that can quickly transform something completely. We too can also fail or fall if we dont have the protection that helps our momentum to keep going and smooths out the roughs spots so we have less difficulties. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us. A violet flame decree has the power to harness and focus spiritual energies. Meditate, visualize, sing, waltz to the three quarter beat that is the violet flame, and lift up your spirits- send out the Violet Flame and enjoy the return current of joy, freedom and transmutation. I also asked if the violet flame can heal it got no only Divine Mother can heal it? The electrons begin to move freely again, and raise our whole vibration and our energy level. When I do these decrees for an hour I do feel blissful tingly all over! What spiritual work did you do before this experience? It is like a cosmic eraser that erases the effects, the memory, and the cause of sin in our lives. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God. Hi I signed up but have yet to receive an email from you Nikki, I just saw your email here. I was doing decrees all of them and visualization of balancing my chakras. The violet flame can alter, mitigate or entirely turn back prophecy. The Violet Flame contains the vibrational patterns of the love and compassion of our Mother God, as well as the frequencies of forgiveness and transformation. Anger indicates that youve become your story.fear indicates that you are living in the future. Last year I did Christie Sheldons Intuition Course and learned how to use the pendulum answering questions and also clearing and transmuting my subconscious bank of false beliefs. Denise Kane 61 Paperback 13 offers from $3.27 Editorial Reviews About the Author Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. On your altar you can put candles, crystals, flowers and photographs of saints, Ascended Masters and your loved ones. My body is still covered over to some degree, but I go into the Sacred Fire and meditations daily. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. I stopped everything, meditation, VF.I thought may its to much. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really like the visual meditation. it was so real. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings,. It is hard to keep the meditation going. Let me know your experiences with this meditation in the comments below. When you become aware of it, the karma (positive and negative) of that life comes to the surface. If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! You can master the flow of energy in your aura by maintaining a calm state of equilibrium in the midst of whatever happens within your environment, all the while maintaining contact with your source, the I AM Presence. The love of my life tells me that I dont understand what meditation is, and that its about concentrating and actually closing your mind off from anything like what Im afraid of. Your karma that is the record of and the penalty for sin. Then I thought maybe this is an actual medical problem. I said it might be Michael and I checked my pendulum later it said yes! Do you think it was St. Germain or an Ascended Master? What a wonderful letter, thank you. All those fear based thoughts that you had are coming from your subconscious and beliefs about life that you have stored. - Violet Twin Flames | I AM the purity God desires!. Discover Saint Germain - The Violet Flame Such stress would produce a muddying of the violet light of the aura as well as explosions, perhaps, of great energies of fear recorded as brown, black and gray substance. Mark Prophet used to compare this acceleration to a train. If parents said money does not grow on trees we take that in as children and that operates inside us as a belief that directs our adult life till we clear that energy. There are many toxic metals and all will emit a spectrum in a flame (flame spectrophotometry). Instead, focus your attention on the light in your heart. In the center of this blazing white sun, visualize a small violet spark. Does Kuthumi teach that the aura is an extension of the self. These chakras amplify the frequencies of consciousness that manifest as the violet light and the white light. It is the energy of transmutation. Thank you for reading this, Peace to all of you!! So by removing calcified emotional debris and other substances, the violet flame may allow our bodies to reconnect with their natural healing mechanism. Now that your physical energy and conscious awareness are centered, you will begin transforming this white light into a violet flame. Dear Priya, Now, you can access the art and science of decrees to help you. The 1st Gate - The Violet Flame and Saint Germain Each time you transmute the records of a past life with the violet flame, you gain a new sense of your soul's liberation. Wow.what a gift..the Ascended Masters will get out attention one way or another! Deep Cleansing with the Violet Flame - Reiki Rays I am still facing heavy health issues. The Violet Flame's Healing Energy - Exemplore I always had a deep soul call and a yearning to participate in making the earth a better place to live. Since you have fear when you started to notice the tightening in your neck you have to do a lot of work on fear and your beliefs about that and fear is an indication you need work on your Heart Chakra as fear is the opposite of love! It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. While it's engaged in battle, its mountain of coal will burn bright red, sending off sparks that scorch the surrounding area. I then visualized it reuniting with my physical body. Youll know that your violet flame meditation has been successful when you feel a sense of inner peace and spaciousness inside of you. I am 84 yrs old & caring my partner 91 yrs old with multiple medical problem eg cancer etc. When we let the divine light in, we accept things as they are and look at our mistakes as lessons. Here is a preamble that you can use and add to: In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Saint Germain and the angels of the seventh ray. The negativity in this world is very thick and I see we all need to be doing these decrees and talking to the angels daily if not every second no time to waste! The violet fire can erase bad karma and alter the cause and effects of our past mistakes. You can use the violet healing method in all aspects of your life and the conflicts you want to resolve. Now I use a pendulum and it tells me if I should get it checked or not. Where your attention goes energy flows so watch your thoughts and start immediately clearing it into the violet flame for transmutation when you think fear thoughts! You are also connecting to your own I AM PResence above you and in you and your I AM Presence will bring to you those experiences you need to evolve at this time. So after another course I took ended I started reading the Pleiadian book in January and notice the reference and got curious enough to google it and the summit site plus others came up. Violet flame decrees are an all-consuming spiritual fire. He didnt think I had TMJ.He asked me to stand up. Did he just disappeared? The muddying of the pure colors of the aura occurs whenever there is a mingling of the emanations of imperfect thoughts and feelings with the pure colors released through the prism of the Christ. I did enjoy using VF , but do you think it caused all that tightness in my neck? I went through this process starting at age of 45 when my appendix ruptured then digestive issues, and now joint lower back, knee pain and ribcage tightness. Just as color reflects consciousness, so color amplifies consciousness. Call to Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection before you give the Violet Flame decrees. Thank you for another tool to add to my meditation toolbox! Slowly recite: I AM a being of violet fire! This is because blue is associated with calmness, which is very useful in a hectic environment! I did do one ethereal retreat exercise and did see Michael come to my third eye and later could see ethereal trees on incline as if I was going up a hill at Banff! The only true power anyone has is the spiritual power from their divine source. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. The Science of the Spoken Word, of using decrees, allows the soul to follow the Biblical teaching concerning the works of my hands, command ye me.. Be Inspired. Violet Flame Meditation - Uplift Your Energy Field - WellBeingAlignment Sometimes I hear loud buzzing noises and feel indescribable intense fear. For example, any time we lose our temper, get annoyed, or spend our time judging others, we are negatively qualifying that energy. There is great power in giving a decree slowly. Thank you so much for adding this great scientific and Aquarian teaching on why we need protection. I bless you all with Pure Love, Light and Om Source purifying energy and the violet flame transmuting power! My pendulum says its was St. Germain each time. She chose a non-bender with a mysterious past and a strong connection to the . We are usually aware when we are in the presence of someone who is holy, and often we have a warning when we are in the presence of someone who is dangerous. So you can see that the aura can change instantaneously. Also on my search I read articles about awakening and that added fear