However, before we can break down what causes pollution and the types of pollution, it’s important to look at what pollution is. Various types of pollution such as water pollution, soil or land pollution, air pollution, and sound or noise pollution, all are very harmful to the health of human beings and animals. However, humans also cause water pollution through trash and wastewater from factories. Today, we have brought you the causes and effects of it. When water is either used as a coolant, discharged from stormwater runoff at elevated temperatures, or released from reservoirs with unnaturally cold temperatures, it changes the natural temperature of water bodies. It occurs when foreign harmful materials like chemicals, waste matter, or contaminated substances are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies. Wildlife – health and mortality Different wastes will have different levels of impact, for example: 1. The material subsequently contaminates the soil or groundwater. Air and water currents carry pollution. Water is considered the second most polluted environmental resource after air pollution. Any use of residential, industrial or agricultural land will have an … Land pollution is common, and it is important for us all to know about its crippling effects. Types of noise pollution can include explosions, jet engines, and even concerts (if you are close to the speakers). When land, water, and air get exposed to pollution, people, animals, and plants suffer. Common man-made pollutants that... Light pollution. Pollution is a big problem to our health and the environment. Such pollution can be highly detrimental to th… Her passion for science education drove her to start EarthEclipse with the sole objective of finding and sharing fun and interesting science facts. Clearly, ATE environments (i.e. Factories and power plants can be a source of point-source pollution, affecting both air and water. Air pollution simply makes air unclean or contaminated. For example – emission of pollutants from factories are human activities that cause air pollution; on the other hand, forest fire causes air pollution, which is a natural activity. Industrial processes often create both types of pollutants that escape into the air. People have been used to of technological advancement in their lives and … Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants like toxic gases, biological molecules, and particulate matter into the atmosphere. The pollutants can be derived from several sourcesincluding both natural processes and human activity. Emissions from power plants present a perfect example of human activities contributing to air pollution whereas volcanic eruptions and forest fires are some of the natural aspects. There are lots of them. Urban stormwater runoff from parking lots and roads also discharges water of elevated temperatures into adjacent water bodies. Leading industries such as power plants, steel mills, sewage treatment plants, heating plants, and glass smelting among other production, processing and manufacturing companies are the contributors to industrial pollution. Noise pollution is dangerous because it can cause hearing loss. Many times, nuclear power plants and factories use water to cool things. You hear about pollution all the time. Natural causes of water pollution include algae blooms and volcanos. Chemical pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants. When you think of environmental pollution, it typically comes in seven different types. (And Almond Butter), 7 Terrible Effects of Industrial Pollution, Why is Biodiversity Important and Reasons For Loss of Biodiversity, 25 Amazing Ways to Prevent Water Pollution, Oceanography vs Marine Biology (Are They Same or Different), Can Squirrels Eat Bread? Pollution is created by individuals, communities or industries that collect and dispose of pollutants improperly. This is called water pollution. It is measured in decibels (dB). All Rights Reserved. Noise pollution is defined as unpleasant and undesirable sound levels that cause serious discomfort to all living things. Municipal refuse, which we also call municipal solid waste(MSW). It includes visible waste and litter as well as pollution of the soil itself. Sonia Madaan is a writer and founding editor of science education blog EarthEclipse. Light pollution, using electric lights to light up the sky, is the cause. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. A contaminant is a poisonous or polluting substance. They release smoke, effluents, material wastes, toxic byproducts, contaminated residues, and chemical consumer products that eventually end up in the environment thereby causing pollution. It merely occurs when sounds waves of intense pressure reach the human ears and may even affect the body muscles due to sound vibrations. Land pollution is the destruction or decline in quality of the earth’s land surfaces in … You can also use renewable energy sources. (And Can They Choke on Raisins), Can Squirrels Eat Popcorn? Humans – health and mortality 3. These pollutants can go up in the atmosphere and infect our clouds creating acid rain, or they can just hang out like smog does and make it harder for people to breathe. Have you ever noticed that in a big city with a lot of lights, it is impossible to see the stars and galaxies? Many times, it is directly and indirectly caused by human activities and abuse of land resources. Whenever artificial lights are used where they are not intended, it causes a nuisance. Pollution comes in many forms, but it always brings harm to the world we live in. The types of light pollution include glare, light trespass, and sky glow. Water pollution is the act of contaminating water bodies including rivers, oceans, lakes, streams, aquifers, and groundwater. Air pollution. The pollutants are jointly termed as contaminants because they contaminate and alter the natural environments. Runoff and pollution. In simple terms, pollution is the introduction of harmful chemicals into some areas of the environment. The industrial sound limit according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is 75 dB. Air pollution is the introduction of harmful substances in the air that results in detrimental impacts to the environment and ... 2. It also threatens public health. In the middle of the northern Pacific Ocean, a huge collection of microscopic plastic particles forms what is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Very often, the primary contributors to water pollution are human activities since they introduce substances that contaminate the water with harmful chemicals and toxic materials. Being an ever pervading medium and carrier, air can transfer the pollutants very fast in no time; making it… Ocean currents and migrating fish carry marine pollutants far and wide. Automobiles and other moving sources of pollution affect the quality of air. Commonly, it happens when people or industries undertake activities that suddenly decrease or increase the temperature of a natural water body which may include lakes, rivers, oceans or ponds. Pollution can be classified into two sections, visible air pollution and invisible air pollution. (And Which Foods to Avoid), Can Squirrels Eat Raisins? While most pollution types are straightforward, thermal pollution is a bit tricky. Noise Pollution. 8 Various Types of Environmental Pollution. Soil Pollution. 1. Therefore, thermal pollution is one aspect of the wider subject of water pollution. Improper application of agricultural chemicals also increases the pollution in the air. Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky inhibiting the visibility of stars and … Environmental – land, water and air (troposphere and atmosphere) 2. Their failure led to toxic chemicals and radiation being leaked out into the environment, which is radioactive pollution. Air pollution results from both human and natural activities. Think about the smog covering some areas of California and New York. P2, also known as "source reduction," is the ounce-of-prevention approach to waste management. For example, pesticides and other chemicals have been found in the Antarctic ice sheet. When you think of environmental pollution, it typically comes in seven different types. Volcanic eruptions are an example of natural sources of pollution. Examples include smokestacks, discharge pipes, and drainage ditches. Industrial pollution is the release of wastes and pollutants generated by industrial activities into the natural environment including air, water, and land. Light Pollution. Earth Eclipse. Dirt, grime, exhaust fumes, and other aerosols go into the air. For example, the lights of big cities can confuse migrating birds. For instance, too much outdoor light intruding into neighbor’s bedrooms can disrupt their sleep. Well, air pollution of course. She loves writing on topics related to space, environment, chemistry, biology, geology and geography. Usually, it happens when human activities directly or indirectly introduce destructive chemicals, substances, or objects into the soil in a way that causes damage to the immediate earthly environment. According to the American Heritage Science Dictionary, pollution is defined as, \"the contamination of air, water or soil by substances that are harmful to living organisms.\" Humans are obviously affected by pollution, as seen by disease like asthma or cancer---but animals are victim to its effects too. There are three main types of waste materials that contaminate the land: 1. Pollution can be caused both by natural sources and humans. Have you ever needed to wear earphones for loud noises? Light pollution occurs due to lengthened and excessive use of artificial lights, such that it results in the brightening of the skies at night. 4. Soil Pollution. There are diverse types of pollution, but the most common forms include noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, heat pollution, water pollution, and light pollution. Groundwater pollution occurs through infiltration and affects groundwater sources such as wells or aquifers. Pollution is a global problem. Let’s explore the different types of pollution and what causes them. Water pollution. Economy – cost, poverty 4. The pollutants and wastes from industries encompass air emissions, deposit of used water into water resources, landfill disposal, and injection of toxic materials underground. It is the contamination of the earth’s environment with materials that interfere with our health and quality of life, natural functioning of living things and their surroundings. Air pollution is when noxious gases and chemicals get suspended in air. Land pollution refers to the presence of at least one contaminant within or upon an area of land. Types of Pollution Air Pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of harmful substances in the air that results in detrimental impacts to the environment and humanity. When you think of radioactive pollution, you might think of Chernobyl or Fukushima. The pollution in the land can seep into the ground water or run into lakes and streams creating a vicious pollution cycle. Mineral exploitation equally leads to a decline in the quality of the earth’s land surfaces. All Rights Reserved . Light pollution is also referred to as luminous pollution or photo pollution. As a consequence, it upsets the activities and natural cycles of wildlife and also affects the welfare of humans. Air pollution refers to the release of harmful contaminants (chemicals, toxic gases, particulates,... Water Pollution. Presence of substances such as (liquid, gas, solid) or energy such as (heat, light, radiation, noise) whose qualities directly or indirectly changes the natural environmental process in part or in whole, and has the potential to cause or can cause damage to the health or well-being of humans, animals, or plants defines pollution. Land pollution is another one of the big three pollution types affecting the human population. Examples of air toxics include benzene, which is found in gasoline; perchloroethylene, which is emitted from some dry cleaning facilities; and methylene chloride, which is used as a solvent and paint stripper by a number of industries. These include air, water, land, radioactive, thermal, light, and sound pollution. It also occurs when people dump chemical products to soils in the form of herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or any other form of the consumer by-products. Pollution is all around us. Explore the definition and causes of each type of pollution. Land pollution is the deposition of liquid or solid waste materials on or under the ground. It could be the smog in your city or the trash covering your beach. Air pollution - Air pollution - Greenhouse gases: Global warming is recognized by almost all atmospheric scientists as a significant environmental problem caused by an increase in levels of certain trace gases in the atmosphere since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. Construction and demolitiondebris or waste. In some cities, the air is dangerous to breathe. However, trash and chemicals can get thrown into the ocean and lakes. Not only can they affect fish and other marine life, when pollutants get into the water, they have a devastating effect on the water cycle. Likewise, too much indoor light has implications on the health of the inhabitants of that room. Some natural sources add to air pollution levels. Pollution refers to … Land Pollution. 2. While lights are great for helping us to see at night, too many lights cause light pollution blocking out the night sky.