Her alibi about going to the club, called Cowboys Nitelife, got fuzzy when investigators discovered she hadnt signed the guest book on that day. Having read that and your most recent comment above, its clearly obvious youre a person of high educational standing and legal knowledge, which I fully respect. because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. Andy passed not one but two polygraph tests and had a solid alibi. All this appears to leave a strong whiff of corruption emanating from the investigation authorities and DAs office. But unfortunately other than God only two people know exactly what really happened and one is not alive. And yikes, he discovered someone had cut one of the houses phone lines and pried the hinge on the basement door. There is so much in your comment with which I can take issue, but Ill try to keep to the salient points. And she would just call out of the blue., According to the Free Patricia Rorrer page on Facebook:I called him to let him know that I was going to the USA finals for a horse show. Its nine minutes into the video. She had a suitcase packed, Devine said. But otherwise, extremely similar, a single bullet fired into the head, the woman later beaten to make sure she died, the hair, which had remained in the bracelet of our victim in this case, the way it was executed outside the house in a wooded area, at the command of the gentleman who did not want to soil his house, and the child who in our case was abandoned in the car. 2. Great catch. You are not expressing an opinion but making an assertion or claim of fact: [I] have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. You are claiming innocence as fact there is no doubt shes innocent. DNA also doesnt lie. So we can just pretend that everyone is honest all of the time? She failed miserably to convince me, or anyone else who mattered, of her innocence.. They need to test that hair from Joanns hand and also that broken fingernail. Patricia made daily phone calls every day but made no calls at all the day before, of and after Joannes murder as she was traveling and knew her phone could track her location. ), And in another bombshell, Joanns good friend Karen Devine said Joann planned to leave Andrew after the holidays. The premiere episode will air following the series finale of Power. Watch Wrong Man Season 2: Stream Full Episodes on STARZ Ive followed and made a study of this case for more than twenty years and have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. As for an epilogue on ex-flame Andrew Katrinak, he has moved to Colorado and kept a low profile since the trial ended. Youre clutching at straws Im afraid. As for him, yes, it looks like the first suspect, but if he had alibis, quite hard to accuse of actually doing it, and I understand it was a pretty solid one. The attorney, Craig Neely, also argues he has the testimony of a. As to her duration on death row, no: inference cannot be made as to her guilt as theres a woman with about the same time (Holberg) and another with almost as much. Trip report, Helsinki June 13th 2020 - Helsinki Forum - Tripadvisor Microconidia DNA, as long as the strand is one inch long they can pull the DNA from that. But none of those charges ever stuck. While not a guilt sceptic, I suggest this was either ill-conceived expression or an expression of misguided mindset for its not for the defendant (albeit now convict) to convince of innocence but for prosecution to convince of guilt (and per appeal, that guilt is safe rather than innocence unproven). Hardly an argument, more a figment of your overconfidence in your opinion. From my point of view this is an extremely similar case, with less class and style, and without the luxurious details that Interpols case had, such as the involvement of an extremely expensive Alfa Romeo car, and a revolver bought at a lush auction in Paris, which had belonged to a duke before the incident. Joanns gun and beating wounds were obvious, but the baby died a less violent (but just as horrible) death with no clear signs. Convenient Suspect: A Wrongful Conviction In The Murder In Lehigh Theres a similar air of confusion connected to the Scott Peterson debacle. Maybe then you will see the wrongful conviction! Lie detectors are pseudo science. Proven in court and sentence awarded!!! See Commonwealth v. Rorrer, CP-39- CR-0002176-1997 (C.C.P. It was Patricias hair no question. She is right where she belongs for now until she meets satan in the fury of hell. This is all BS.She did it. Your pathetic attempt to insult not only shows a not very original comment, but clearly displays a lack of intelligence. You know the answer to that, the same as I do, which is. in tandem with no evidence of home invasion. Mr Freeman, Why are youre rude about others who disagree with your OPINION (including jury and appeal judges)? Patricia Rorrer has been portrayed as a bully, petty thief, neglectful horse owner, and heartless killer or a sweet, caring friend railroaded by authorities desperate to solve a double-murder case that snagged worldwide interest. (Nope. I certainly dont consider its more likely the victims husbands the perp than Rorrer, as has been suggested, leaving Rorrer or a stranger. I agree that the putative motive is relatively weak (though motive is ultimately subjective and theres no accounting for anger, bitterness, jealousy etc) and to convict on that substantially would be absurd. In a million years, she wouldnt do anything to harm that.. It says that Andrew reported the cut phone lines and broken pad lock was reported to the police at 10:30. While most of the documentaries come out as reinforcing her guilt, albeit most of them giving differing accounts of the speculation which was presented at her trial, some going even further by showing scenes that were offered as theories at her trial, as FACT. Sorry not sorry. She hasnt, she didnt get a hard enough sentence. Jealousy was the motive. Rorrer is as guilty as OJ Simpson. Free Patricia Rorrer But defense lawyer Robert Pfeiffer said that plenty of evidence supported Patricias innocence. Animals would have for sure. What a contrived case! They were there in the winter months in which the bodies would have been frozen most of the time. How so? But thats just some of the ammo on Team Patricias battleship. And the point the hair in her hand wasnt tested was because they didnt need it since they had the killer shame on everyone who went along with that. They really need to set her free and open the case and look at the husband. As I stated previously, if she cannot speak for herself, Im happy to step up on her behalf. Police slowly built a case against Patricia. Hoist by your own petard. One on one? The state made a case fueled by circumstantial evidence and public outrage over the deaths of a modern-day madonna and child. Interesting thought about the alibi timing. . It says that Andrew Katrinak passed his lie detector test. Keep her murdering ass locked up!!! They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. Shame on your for defending a vicious killer. I have not SEEN this report that says no root found is there a picture of it online somewhere? Patricia L. Rorrer was taken into custody from the Linwood home she shared with her boyfriend and 1-year-old daughter on June 24, 1997. Do you realize that Patricia was only found and arrested more than six months after the murder? Are you even aware there are judges, eminent writers, lawyers and TV personalities and countless other ordinary people all of whom steadfastly support her as being innocent and wrongly convicted. Rather, Im conservative when it comes to potential disagreement with the jury: I wasnt there to see/hear evidence and to declare theyre wrong! Did you personally attend the trial? Thank you and well said. 1 talking about this. I cant lose them, he told the media. Very similar. They released a poster of Joann and Alex, noting that the baby had almond-shaped blue eyes, weighed 18 pounds, and was circumcised. Whatever the truth is. Some lawyers call microscopic hair analysis junk science that today wouldnt qualify as evidence in a trial like Rorrers. Ill always say that Tommy Lynn Sells murdered the Routier boys OR the father Darrin did it. Perhaps that would lessen your fright. Which Patricia did not, so who is the real killer? The fact that Joanne was found with a hair clutched in her hand that was inconsistent with both her and Patricia (that they conveniently didnt bother to test). Sure theres DNA, but if she truly is innocent then why not advocate to find the gun. Decades-old Lehigh Valley murder case back in national spotlight - WFMZ.com But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. She wanted all men to give her attention but she couldnt have everyones attention, especially ANDREWS!!! Patricia, who moved from PA to North Carolina, made long distance calls from her home practically every day, except for the time period between December 11 and 16. If her husband was going to do that Im sure he wouldve done it in a totally different way! On December 14, 2020, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied Ms. Rorrer's petition for allowance of appeal, concluding her state appellate proceedings. I was so excited that I called everyone, and Joanne picked up the phone and she said Andy is married, and I said I know, then she said we have a baby, and I said yea I know, then she said dont ever call here again. Beautifully said Cliff! Im sure shes innocent adds nothing other than to tell us your state of mind! Oh wait, sorry, you werent there. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. His defenders claimed that the confession was coerced, the video was grainy/unclear or doctored and the witness was confused and/or unreliable. The Innocence Project has declined to take her case. It seems so, according to you. Thats my life.. And then there are documentaries (video and audio) which, by all accounts, stick to the facts and make a compelling case for her innocence. The real killer is Rorrer! Police theorize she owned the gun, but its neither here nor there whether she used a particular gun to kill and would make sense (to a wise perp) that the gun couldnt be linked to her by past activity. Patricia Rorrer: Under the Microscope. I finally had to stop reading this stupid article. Im inclined to think both Rorrer and Routier are guilty. LONGTIME SUSPECT CHARGED IN MURDERS\ - Greensboro News and Record The phone wire was located at the opposite end of the basement, which was dark. Your assertion that most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense is in fact nonsense the reality is that most people are easily fooled by these biased documentaries who then feel its okay to spout their tripe as if its the gospel. She is 100% guilty seen 2 programs on this awful murder and read about it as well. Youre absolutely right!! Incriminating words. To prove it 110% rather than just 99% I dont know why they wouldnt retest the hair fibers etc. Re Routier, the claim that she inflicted a potentially fatal injury on herself by no means indicates another perp: she could have inflicted it in ignorance, as a suicide attempt, or in a semi-psychotic state. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. I think shes guilty for sure. The difference between the cases was that the child was not injured and the individual wrote down the details of the plan in a notebook, but otherwise it seems extremely similar to me. And your attempt to draw a distinction between a fact and an opinion! (We didnt get into the specifics.). Rorrer v. Nicholas, Civil Action 19-cv-01398-GEKP - Casetext But to settle for just anyone being the offender offers no justice to the victims and certainly does no merit to those who are woefully lacking in ALL the details of this case, but nevertheless feel the need to vent their spleen on an innocent person. Fact is she wasnt and all of her alibis were proven to be lies. But I agree with a recent comment.. Why not do a paternity case so just that is done and out of the way. PDF In the United States District Court for The Eastern District of If you want to help her let her find peace by admitting her wrong and asking God for forgiveness. Youre so fixated with her guilt, youre unable to see other factors that show this case to be a disgraceful travesty. On a secret recording, Patricia asked Jarrett to vouch for her attendance or she might go to the electric char. What has that to do with the point youre trying to make? And James Pfeiffer and Jim Burke have remained on her side. It seems so, according to you. She took out the woman who replaced her. Most of your comment absolutely astonishes me. Ep 205 - Clair Hour 1: Black or White TV-MA | 53 MINS | 2020 And I have absolutely no sympathy. Its perfectly understandable that one should feel sorry for the victims of this heinous crime. I do. The police considered the possibility that Joann ran away, a theory disputed by her family. I would like to tell you that there is many errors in this article, that I would love to send to you the proof of each one. Above, we have another whos totally clueless, has little or no knowledge of this case, but is happy to display his/her ignorance with a rant based on limited knowledge learned from biased documentaries who thinks that by using offensive and insulting language itll influence those who support Rorrer into changing their opinions. Patricia Rorrer will burn in hell, as she should. If I see anything that offers a differing opinion or is inaccurate, I think its entirely fair I should say my piece. THE COPS SET HER UP. Claps! Forensic Files didnt mention it, but the hairs were actually brown at the top and the rest dyed blond, according to the show Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction. There appears to be evidence of her disturbed thinking shortly prior to the event (inc her stating she knows who the perp was shortly after but would not identify because its her?) It fails to mention the car was totally clean of any other forensic residue. Aside from the hair, there was almost zero forensic evidence. But I suppose you havent a clue about that. You know whats interesting? You seem to have a fragile ego. Creating your profile on CaseMine allows you to build your network with fellow lawyers and prospective clients. No show. Patricia seemed like the girl next door but all of a sudden, something snapped, Katrinak later told Wrong Man investigators. Her jealousy and rage because Joann told her to not contact her husband set her off. One of the hairs had magically developed root material to enable that. Tragedy also touched Patricias life. They would have no reason to protect Andrew and lie on her. If they were unable to get a DNA reading the first time, why the need for a second examination? Catherine are you sure your names not Karen? Stable situation. Nobody said bodies were intact. Youre right about my comments on other sites, but those seem to have an abundance of hate-mongers who feel no need to mince their words hence my retorts to those. On closer inspection, he saw it was the body of a woman. Inside the locked 1992 vehicle, police discovered some strands of blond hair stained with dried blood. Its patently clear you are another of those who knows too little about this case. Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. Tommy Lynn Sells admitted to killing a 9-10 old boy in Indiana I think and the mom Julie (cant remember her last name) was jailed mainly due to the ex-husband (father of her son) testified and said things that werent true. Another inaccuracy in this is, they state the jury took SIX HOURS to return a verdict, when in fact it took less than TWO HOURS. Women like Barbara Stager who killed her husband in Durham NC. Trash-talking ex. Nailed? First it was winter, cold temperatures preserve bodies for significantly longer periods. She should have received the death penalty imo. Which explains why she made Joann kill the baby, or suffer from the environmental elements. Clifford Freeman, since you are already at the top of the list of deluded people not much room left for anyone with an oversized ego such as you apparently have!! What evidence is there she actually left the state? All my comments have been vetted and approved by this sites organisers so how do you see yourself as the judge of whats acceptable or not? Wrong Man Season 2 Review: Joe Berlinger's Dream Team Tries Changing To be sure, an appellant does not have to *prove* (convince) of innocence to have been wrongfully convicted (even if they are in fact guilty but I digress). In TV clips, Andrew didnt come off as anguished. Go somewhere else where your asserted expertise will be professionally tested and you wont be so frustrated and insulting about those who disagree (with your expertise and opinion). February 29, 2020. And the fact that Patricia called Andrew even after he married someone else didnt mean she was still carrying a torch for him, according to one of her friends. I THINK THEY SHOULD REOPEN THIS CASE AND LOOK AT THE HUSBAND JUST SAYING BUT IN MY HEART AND MIND FROM READING ALL THE NOTES AND STUFF PATRICA IS NOT GUILTY AND THEY NEED TO SET HER FREE. Youll have to make do with what you see here. The fact that shortly after Joanns funeral, Andy reconnected with an old friend, a woman who happened to live about 4 miles from where the bodies were found. Joann and Alex Katrinak: Still No Justice (Update) It showed her usually all-brown hair haphazardly highlighted blond. There is pendency of DNA investigation for Routier. Yet they insisted in the trial that the call came in on the 13th. The fat cow is guilty as hell and I hope she continues to have the shit kicked out of her in prison every day of her useless life. One lengthy sentence which goes on and on and concludes with one of my sentences from a previous comment! Another glaring omission is Early in the investigation, the police in their zeal to add some substance to their fanciful theory about the gun used in the crime, did a thorough search of Rorrers back yard/garden (where they did target practice) looking for spent shells and bullets, in order to do a forensic comparison with the bullet recovered from the victim. John If you feel it so necessary to post a comment, please at least try to keep it original, because theres nothing sensible with your juvenile attempt using my words. This video is currently unavailable. Rorrer seems to have had relatively considerable appeals scrutiny of the convicting evidence, to no avail as yet. What the prosecution failed to disclose to Rorrers defence team was that the cops, in their zeal to prove their gun theory, visited several addresses of which Rorrer was resident, dug up the gardens in which she was known to do target practice recovered several shell casings and bullets (more than 70), had them ballistically tested, but NOT ONE was found to be a match to the bullet recovered from the victim. Rorrer killed these two people in cold blood and the jury got it right! The series was produced by Joe Berlinger, who made the Paradise Lost documentaries, which garnered actor Johnny Depps attention and ultimately helped free the West Memphis Three. Ive found that in nearly every case, those who are firmly of the opinion shes guilty have an extremely limited knowledge of the case theyve watched one (or perhaps more) of the documentaries which make absolutely no attempt to show anything thats in Rorrers favour (theres plenty, if one bothers to look), and worse, revel in exaggerated and speculative scenes, some of which were never even mentioned at her trial. They noted houses near the murder scene would have heard a gunshot in December, when no farm equipment is making noise, and question why the murderer didnt just kill Joann inside her house instead of risking being seen in public in her car. If Patricia had injuries it wouldve only been to her hands and she wasnt questioned right away which is also the reason she took Joanne elsewhere to kill her so her body wouldnt be found for a while and she would have time to return home. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. Theyre just not willing to investigate/research as to the truth. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. Patricia defaulted on her mortgage and then returned to North Carolina, where she eventually moved in with a boyfriend named Brian Ward. THESE COPS ARE WRONG AND THEY ALL SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR WHAT THEY DID TO PATRICA, PUTTING HER AWAY FOR LIFE FOR SOMETHING SHE DID NOT DO. False. But Patricia had moved from Pennsylvania years ago, and she'd started her own family in North Carolina. But Im sure that was just a coincidence LOL. She has no means to reply or rebut this outrageous slurs and these forums are the only way I know where people may become aware of the wrongful conviction of innocent person and equally, those who happily believe all the adverse and damaging comments. If that really is the case, the husbands alibi for a date months before becomes irrelevant. According to a Morning Call account from March 5, 1998: McIntyre leaned forward conspiratorially like someone trying to persuade another to tell a secret, lowered his voice and said: Heres what I want to know: After you killed Joann Katrinak, did you kill that baby or just leave it to die?. On January 11, 2021, Police identified the pair as Joann and Alex Katrinak. Have you watched any of the documentaries Ive mentioned? Meanwhile, the case of the missing mother and baby turned into colossal news across the U.S. and internationally. Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. Search is on. Testimony from Walter Blalock contradicted Patricias claim that she never had a gun. Free Patricia Rorrer - Facebook Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports, 7 Unnerving Facts About the Lindberghs and the Kidnapping, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Daniel and Cynthia McDonnell: Good Cop, Bad Wife. I would think if she would have an passed they definitely wouldve started looking somewhere else but there was just too much evidence against her anyway so.. and with forensics the way they are today. Well, at least you managed some sense there when you say that, especially when you take into account the amount of evidence and witnesses which were withheld from the Defence and what appears to be a clear case of evidence-tampering. Commonwealth v. Rorrer | J-S71013-19 | Pa. Super. Ct. | Judgment | Law Probably by the jeans and the boots. There is way too much doubt in this case for my comfort. After Joann Katrinak, the wife of Patricias former flame, turned up dead along with her infant son, prosecutors suspected Patricia. Your position Ive read a lot, Im right; you disagree with me, Ill say youre a moron. You started slinging insults, then got insulted when slung back. Four months after Joanns disappearance, farmer Paul Kovalchik reported seeing what at first looked like a pile of clothes on his land in Heidelberg Township woods, about 15 miles from the Katrinaks house. Killers can plan all the details and alibis well ahead of the murder while cops must come up with hard evidence, even just to make an arrest. At the trial, prosecutor Michael McIntyre alleged that Patricia remained obsessed with Andrew Katrinak long after their breakup despite testimony that shed had many boyfriends and live-in lovers to occupy her bandwidth. Plus, two men, her babys father and his friend, testified they saw Patricia at the line-dancing club the night of the homicide. The media love the femme fatale., FBI lab blunder. Barry Grube, one of the few, if not only, police officers sympathetic to Patricias cause, noted that Andrew didnt seem particularly frantic while authorities searched desperately for his wife and son. They are total bs. If you can tear yourself away from your obsessive mentality, you can see what virtually amounts to the tampering to which I referred. They had a son, Alex Martin, in August of 1994. She is a tough one, Sheriff Gerald Hege would later tell the Morning Call in a June 29, 1997 interview. On Instagram, I found a post for a two-part Win at All Costs podcast featuring journalism professor Bill Mousheys interviews with Patricia Rorrer from prison in December 2019. His favorite rattle, shaped like a phone, lay near the crime scene. It's been more than 20 years since Patricia Rorrer was convicted of killing her ex-boyfriend's wife, Joann. I believe the answer to your question is in my comment above. Stevie J Further to my previous comment, I should add the following. When she stood trial that same year, she maintained her innocence and alleged that she and Andrew Katrinak had continued to stay in touch as good friends, so she wouldn't do anything to hurt him. The victims vanished on December 15. This is untrue. Just one example. The Common Sense Guy you should put yourself on top of the list of deluded people. He is the guilty one. November 2020; October 2020; September 2020; August 2020; July 2020; June 2020; May 2020; April 2020; March 2020; . You say by definition! Pat will spend the rest of her natural life in prison where people like her belong. Yet, you have a story like Darlie Rutier who supposedly stabbed herself seriously enough that was centimeters from her carotid artery, yet this woman is in prison still? Patricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. Not normal folks obsessed ones do. Keep up your delusions. (A good point. Psycho For Love: Patricia Rorrer killed her ex-boyfriend's new wife Which, for this very reason, is at present being investigated by a federal judge? His hair (back in 94-95) was dirty blonde and roughly 8 inches long. Presumably if they thought the evidence was against the states case, thats how theyd present as theres no obvious reason for them to be biased one way or the other. Omg so well put! Cop defends accused. Stop. Detective Barry Grube found it odd that Andrew fixed the severed phone line before police examined it in essence tampering with evidence. This case is not over yet more to follow only trouble is, law moves along at a pitiful pace. DA readily agreed they did not belong to Rorrer, was happy to admit they were never submitted for analysis. Even if there were some minor flaws or discrepancies in the investigation, thats normal. Police need evidence of perpetration in every claimed case, and Sells is regarded as lying about some claimed murders per inability or unwillingness to detail. It wasnt aimed at any one video producer. The "Wrong Man" team explores whether Vonda may have been wrongfully convicted.