Upon successful completion of the courses, the hold will be removed, however, you may then incur late registration fees. . Student Support and Resource Centers Through Disability, Health, and Counseling Services, Health Promotion, and Athletic Training, Student Health Services strives to keep students healthy so they can achieve their academic, personal, and athletic goals. Create a personalized digital viewbook to learn how we can help you go on to change the world! Troy, New York 12180-3590, 110 Eighth Street Home | Student Health and Wellness There are no walk-in appointments available at the Student Health Center during this time. ConnectYourCare is a student health portal. The Office of the Bursar's main activities include billing and collections for all undergraduate and graduate students at the Institute, preparing and electronically sending out tuition bills, and providing account analysis to students and their families. No walk-in appointments;phonetriage will be conducted for appropriate scheduling. See instructions below: AlcoholEdu for College and Haven Directions. New students and parents If you are a confirmed student, information regarding how to set up your RPI email will be sent to the email address you applied to Rensselaer with. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to stay connected with the Office of Admission. If you are playing a varsity sport: Have your physician fill out the Physical Exam Form found on the Student Health Services website. Print or save a screen shot or copy of the course completion notice of each course for your records. Counseling Services (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.), 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, during the academic year. Does the student have a persistent cough with night sweats, weight loss, fatigue or fever? carefully enter your RIN# so that you can receive credit for completing the courses. Troy, NY 12180, (518) 276-6287 encourage fitness for a lifetime of growth. 110 8th St. To access a copy of your insurance card and other services provided by CDPHP, please register with CDPHP's website. Loading login session information from the browser. Live Chat. Download and print the Pre-entrance Immunization Form, and have your family physician complete and sign the form. If your waiver request is denied, you will be notified. Although a majority of this financial aid is distributed based on need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and CSS Profile applications, many incoming students do receive merit-based aid. The RPI Student Health Center is on twitter! You can email him at chaplain@rpi.edu, click here, or use the QR below to get connected to your local faith community. If you WAIVE ENROLLMENT in the RPI/CDPHP Student Health insurance Plan, please allow 2 weeks for the waiver request to be reviewed and the health insurance fee to be removed from your RPI e-bill. Rensselaer has a comprehensive AAAHC-accredited, physician-directed Student Health Center providing ambulatory health care for all enrolled students. From renewable energy to cybersecurity, biotechnology to materials science, and big data to nanotechnology, the world needs problem solvers to address the urgent issues of today and the . Call 518-276-6479 or use the STUDENT HEALTH PORTAL. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a private research university and space-grant institution located in Troy, New York. To access a copy of your insurance card and other services provided by CDPHP, please register with CDPHP's website here. Follow the directions to complete each form listed. RPI Alerts - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Register at https://admissions.rpi.edu/undergraduate/visit. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This is because loan dispersement happens upon official enrollment or the start of the semester. Please reach out to our campus dietician, Kimberly Mayer, and meet her on our webinar this summer, Navigating Dining on Campus. PDF INFORMATION SHEET FOR INCOMING EXCHANGE STUDENTS Spring 2022 - info.rpi.edu Student Experience :: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Please call one of these emergency contact numbers. Most first-year students will be registering for 16-17 credits which will align them to graduate in 4 years, or 5 for architecture majors. To supplement our services, Rensselaer has partnered with BHS to offer additional urgent and crisis care services to students, 24/7. other students not participating in an overnight trip or athletics, ROTC etc. All Rensselaer students pay a health center fee that provides access to on-campus medical, counseling, and health education services. Students enrolled in the Rensselaer Student Health Insurance Plan offered by CDPHP are covered year-round (8/1-1/31; 2/1-7/31) and nationwide (via two extended networks). Students can call directly(518) 276-8888. In the student health portal, recording your COVID-19 vaccination is just like uploading your other health forms and records. You can access the Rpi Health Center portal by logging in to ConnectYourCare. QuACS Call518-276-6479or use theSTUDENT HEALTH PORTAL. youngp3@rpi.edu: 518-276-6287 Ariela Zamcheck Associate Director, Student Health Center zamcha@rpi.edu: 518-276-6287 Counseling Services: Karen Johnson-Williams: Counselor II: johnsk23@rpi.edu: 518-276-6479: Health Promotion: Tara Schuster: Program Manager: schust@rpi.edu: 518-276-6287: Health Services Troy, New York 12180-3590, 110 Eighth Street Front cover - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Families will be able to have lunch on campus and meet with and explore resource tables and additional informational breakout sessions. (518) 276-6000, Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Media Policy Economics of Banking and Finance - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute In all cases, there are no additional steps for the student to take to be considered for our merit-based aid; we make these decisions based on each student's application materials. Housing Application Information | Student Living and Learning The form to either affirm or waive enrollment in the RPI/CDPHP Student Health Insurance Plan is found on the, https://rpi-finance.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Fax: (518) 276-8573, Copyright 2023 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 110 Eighth Street | We are currently offering in-person tours to prospective students. Meningitis Information & Acknowledgement. Student health information is protected by a student health portal known as ConnectYourCare. There are a number of ways for you to connect with us virtually! With the transition to college comes the opportunity and the challenge of managing your own health. The Rensselaer Collegiate Store is a great place to start. . If life-threatening, call 911, Public Safety, or the National Suicide Lifeline: 800-273-8255, Copyright 2023 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 110 Eighth Street | Email healthins@rpi.edu with questions about the CDPHP Student Health Insurance Plan. Access the RPI Alert | Campus Portal to update your contact information using your RCS username and password. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) :: Architecture, Business Student Health Portal - Online Forms | Student Health and Wellness Your in person orientation will start when you move-in in late August. Apply Today Preparing Students for Leadership and Life Life on Campus The Health Center does not charge insurance plans for health care services. The health and safety of students and other persons on the Rensselaer campus are of paramount importance. Rpi Health Portal Student Health Services (SHS) provides compassionate and inclusive healthcare to all registered UAlbany students. MANE Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering. Visit thehealth portalto login. Your Member ID is your 9-digit Student RIN# and the Suffix is 00. Policies: Media . After you have logged in, you can view your patient information. If you enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan but have not registered with CDPHP, visit: www.cdphp.com/rensselaer. | Student Health Services - Stony Brook University Students can use MyWesternHealth to send email questions or updates to their provider, request refills, review lab results and access their chart notes 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Let's Get Started VIsit Campus We are currently offering in-person campus tours. Rpi Student Health Center Portal . require vaccinations for students, faculty, and staff. Medical appointment call: 518-276-6287 or access theOnline Health Portal, Counseling appointment call: 518-276-6479, Health promotion: 518-276-2305 (Tara) or 518-276-2231 (Alex). When available for students starting in Fall 2023, details, links to all required forms, and the Student Health Center Portal can be found here. Maintaining confidentiality is a vital part of the counseling relationship. Orientation is delivered in a 3 part onboarding experience for first-year students and families. Medical Services In all cases, connecting with the student's Class Dean can be helpful to make them aware, particularly if they aren't quite ready to commit to counseling. Community Health and Safety Policies and Protocols | RPI INFO Accepted students will still need to send paper verification of immunization signed by a physician. Payment Information | RPI INFO - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (More information about Student Health Insurance requirements). Social distancing is a public health practice used to slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease. Welcome to CDPHP - CDPHP You will be asked for your Member ID, which is your RIN#, and a suffix, which is '00,' along with your date of birth and zip code. 110 Eighth Street | Troy, NY USA 12180 (518) 276-6000. Our chaplain, Fr. In addition, to ensure access to off-campus health care services, an annual health insurance fee is billed to all students. In fact, the Counseling Center generally will not even disclose whether or not a student has used its services. Referrals to Counseling | Student Success Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Student Success Students requesting accommodations due to a disability must contact the Office of Disability Services for Students. 3000 Level, Suite 3200 Was this student born in or living in any countries that are NOT on the list below for more than one month? Health and Counseling Services in Academy Hall Closed 3-14-23, Dr. Kevin Readdean Appointed Director of Counseling Center, Health Center: (518) 276-6287Counseling Center: (518) 276-6479Disability Services: (518) 276-2231, Student Health Center 4600 . Pre-Entrance Tuberculosis Screening Form Complete and submit. Coverage is effective August 1 (January 1 for new spring students) through July 31st. Yes! In addition, the Bursar's Office processes all departmental transactions, such as deposits . 14.7k . Family "goodbyes" will follow the orientation day program on Friday, August 25th around 4pm. CDPHP members can also utilize the virtual ER triage system ER Anywhere by downloading the app on their smartphone, or simply call (800) ER-ANYWHERE to be connected to a live, emergency medicine provider, or visit www.cdphp.com/ERAnywhere. require vaccinations for students, faculty, and staff. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer helps educate "leaders of tomorrow" by providing a robust set of student life programs and services designed to: facilitate academic success. Records can be sent by fax to: 518-276-6642 or email to: counseling@rpi.edu. . To help provide information during this uncertain time, we have provided the answers to frequently asked questions for prospective students. Troy, NY 12180 (518) 276-6287 Fax: (518) 276-8573 The Counseling Center at Rensselaer helps students maximize their sense of well-being, as well as their academic, personal, and social growth. Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 1:30pm (when classes are in session). You will need one EverFi Higher Education Account to access these courses from your dashboard. Specialist referrals, hospital referrals, and pharmacy delivery services. If you are facing any issues, please write detail in the comments section for the solution. Report an . The Class Dean often serves as a conduit to resources like counseling. making statements of harm to themselves or the community, either in person or in writing via email or on an exam, please contact public safety immediately. Undergraduate Admissions Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, New York 12180-3590. Location & Hours | Student Health Center - Western Washington University To learn more about the HASS Core and specifics based on your major, please watch this video. Call (518) 276-8888 to speak with a licensed clinical professional from the BHS program 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Student Experience :: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Student Experience Rensselaer is home to more than 200 clubs and organizations, offering students opportunities to immerse themselves in activities outside the classroom. Counseling Center | Student Health and Wellness Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Web Privacy Policy Families are invited to join you for the first day of orientation. Wear a mask if you are at high risk or unvaccinated. Establishing a new space to live and learn in is exciting. track COVID-19 trends nationally and worldwide so that we will be able to reinstate precautions early if trends necessitate. Log In to Your NYU Account NetID (e.g., aqe123) Password By logging in, you agree to abide by the Policy on Responsible Use of NYU Computers and Data. Student Health Services | COVID-19 Policy The Online Student Health Portal forms include a pre-entrance Tuberculosis Screening. 2. Undergraduate Admissions | Admissions - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Students who develop symptoms should immediately self-isolate and contact the Student Health Center at (518) 276-6287. Resources | Student Health Services - RPI Student Health Student Life - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Acalog ACMS Over 95% of our incoming students receive some sort of financial aid from Rensselaer. Drug Information Prescription medications can have a big impact on your health - and on your wallet. Student Health Center 1 Stadium Road Stony Brook, NY 11794-3191. 2. If you WAIVE ENROLLMENT in the RPI/CDPHP Student Health insurance Plan, please allow 2 weeks for the waiver request to be reviewed and the health insurance fee to be removed from your RPI e-bill. First-year students are not permitted to have cars on campus. Web Login Service - Loading Session Information. This summer, all of the webinars are highly encouraged. The Student Health Center provides a full range of primary and urgent medical care, gynecology services, psychological counseling, psychiatric services, as well as health promotion and wellness programs. , or use the QR below to get connected to your local faith community. June Deadlines. Student Consumer Information Accreditation affirms that our health center is committed to providing high-quality care by measuring up to AAAHCs high standards. Copyright 2023 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 110 Eighth Street | Monitor your health daily and stay home if ill. rpi student health center portalaccess in 3 steps, rpi student health center email, rpi student portal, student health portal, rpi sis, rpi dial check in, rpi email login, rpi admissions portal, rpi dial app RPI Student Health Center - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute https://studenthealth.rpi.edu/ New Students . Step 4. 3. Due: Monday, January 10 at 9:00 a.m. Review and sign the form in the Student Health Portal. For many, this time occurs during college. You can also share with them how to make appointments which may remove barriers. Social distancing measures involve restricting when and where people can gather, and include things such as limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings, and canceling events. To complete this integrative pathway, students must choose a minimum of 12 credits as described: WESTERN PACIFIC REGION: American Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Students who want to transfer their psychiatric care from a home provider to a campus provider should forward the following psychiatric records to the Rensselaer Counseling Center: (1) initial/intake note, (2) last treatment note, and (3) medication history. Student Health Center Academy Hall 3000 Level, Suite 3200 110 8th St. If you need any changes or to move things around, there will be time when registration opens up again but PLEASE work with your advisor on any changes you might be interested in making. Students currently engaged in mental health services (therapy and/or medication) are strongly encouraged to maintain that treatment throughout their transition to college life. Drop in counseling is available multiple days per week at locations across campus. As an extension of the RPI Counseling Center, continuity of care is confidential and seamless between RPI counselors and BHS.