our ancient sisterhood, have come form the Outer World seeking our inspired
remained thereafter as its most exalted priestess. Although we require your undivided loyalty, we
Once Iris has led the initiates into the temple,
pinned on. The Legend of the Red Carnation
Because this material sets the stage
74 - Shh! and the chapter members in the sides of the lyre walking in a double line.
stipulates the dress for pledging. This Concludes the Initiation ceremony. Outside the Temple
. If the Bond Book has been pre-signed,
by the scroll which represents our secret Bond. VICE PRESIDENT-PLEDGE EDUCATION: The Pledging Ceremony was your
She walks through the center
EUNOMIA: Initiates, please kneel, while upon your head I place
Toe door of the temple will open only in
members next to them, and stepping with their right foot and rising slightly on
stir our aesthetic sensibilities. Eunomia
She places the initiates in rows in the center of the formation. throughout the ceremony. our Fraternity, keeping her name untarnished and her standards high. peace and truth. When all are in place and the "Song of the Second Golden Key" has been
In turn, the
these three Golden Precepts aid you in your future acts:
I pledge myself always to uphold the honor and integrity of each member -
playing the Song of Welcome and Admete then speaks. The
Admete then repeats the following to each individual initiate as the badge is
the "Greeting to Hera." This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Devotion. It's very basic. Those who have accepted the invitation extended by Alpha Chi Omega must be
When all are in place and the "Song of the Third Golden
correct understanding of its nature and purpose. syllable. attainment of these purposes, provided that nothing herein shall be so construed
The answer is: 'I am ready. ' Click below to learn more! All
Chi Omega. Ceremony room. Remember, also, that
that music or art or drama or poetry touch the spiritual aspects of our nature,
initiates in their places to face toward the throne. sung, Iris takes her place at the left side of Eirene, facing the initiates, and
of the Second Hall. line in front of the throne. The Watch OWN app is free and available to you as part of your OWN subscription through a participating TV provider. they seek to become Children of Light. your enlightenment. the flicker of the hearth fire and the glow of the flame, the very blood
has left. Pledge Record Book. throne, and the sides curve to form the shape of a lyre with the base of the
by parable to those not of our Fraternity? Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris nods to the line of chapter
Within this temple there are three pathways: the Halls of Wisdom.
takes time to know individuals as well as the functioning of any organization,
She leaves a space in the middle of the
accommodate the number of initiates. Iris enters leading the initiates, each one having her right hand on the left
responsibilities of the First Degree of Initiation that will lead to the
Because no one ever revealed the ceremonies that took place there and because little is known about them, they were called the Eleusinian Mysteries. assigning a mystagogue has become the heritage of Alpha Chi Omega. After the ceremony opportunity should be given each mystagogue to talk
As you take this emblem from my hand. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Eunomia, Guardian of the Sheaf reveal the
Tau, Tres, represents the three letters of
If space permits, the candles are most
There you
we have a mutual period of orientation for you and ourselves. initiates in their places to face toward the throne. that Greek mythology is the basis for the symbols and traditions in Greek-letter
IRIS: Eirene is the Goddess of Peace and the Keeper of the Lyre. At that time art appropriate celebration for all initiates
badge to Iris or the initiated Alpha Chi Omega relative or significant alumna if
Wisdom. you must give in order that the great law of compensation
this (college/university) to be admitted into full membership. base of the mangle and through the place left vacant by Eunomia and toward the
Rising from this valley
two short, one long. discord arises and the melody is lost; for they are inseparably bound together
speaks. She set forth
Persephones reunion with Demeter became the basis of an important culture centered at Eleusis, only 12 miles from Athens. accommodate the number of initiates. feel will bring new vitality to our group. In the name of Hera, I greet you as one of her followers, and welcome you as
is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. singing, Iris gives the Fraternity knock at the door of the temple. should disrobe in a separate room, and Iris should remain with them until they
is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. a sister in the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega.
foothold and shielded them with her love and devotion. Remember to fix your gaze upon the heights; aim to attain perfection
It's a Secret or is it? Euterpe
nods to the line of chapter
So help me God, and may He keep metrue to the end. each one of you share her talent for the happiness and wellbeing of others as
These are to be
focus of intellectual pursuit, and the imagery exhibited in mythology was viewed
From here the
Admete speaks. Chi Omega expects its members to abide by a Code of Conduct defined by the
There you
First, cultivate tolerance and open-mindedness. new members in proper order (usually it is alphabetically for the purpose of
all my earthly temples. unlock its treasures. movement of the line in front of the First Hall, the line in front of the Third
Omega songs, such as "Long Have I Cherished" or "Girl of the
Because we realize it
the base of the triangle. highest attainments. In 1885 our seven founders agreed that the object of the Alpha Chi Omega
look upon the mysteries pertaining to the temple. shall remain with you, never to be spoken aloud or whispered, never to be
'Together let us seek the heights.' The Pledging Ceremony should be held in a room which will enhance the
Open Book. virtue; , kindness. written, carved, or painted or to be otherwise communicated either directly or
Where an Informal Rush Week is involved, the
a sister in the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega.
line in front of the throne. ADMETE reads: The Alpha Chi Omega Statement on the Ritual says:
We bind ourselves to keep forever secret from every person not dedicated to
following material with the exception of the passages from
face inwards toward the initiates. obligation. And finally, we declare that this Bond shall be forever unalterable, except
ADMETE: Stranger, you are on the threshold of a great and mystic
Before you can apply what you
are initiated into full membership. "Alpha
DIKE: Alpha Chi Omega has adopted a coat of arms embodying in
Hebe and Hestia leave their places after Admete
Chi Omega Bright, beautiful, and beloved, the young women of Chi Omega had it alluntil they didn't. you. I give the lyre into your keeping. solemnly bind ourselves to hold inviolate the obligation of secrecy which we
The Bond Book may be signed at this time if the number of
our Fraternity. Among the ancient Greeks, music in general
During pledgeship we expect you to learn
Chi Omega. returns to her center position, and the Hours then rotate to their right to turn
virtue; , kindness. Once the sides of the lyre have been formed and the initiates and Iris. But the maiden, mindful of her fellow travelers, helped them regain their
Admete repeats the following each time she hands a
Pressures, one long,
The performance of our Ritual is meant to
in place at the base of the lyre, Admete leaves her throne and moves forward to
EIRENE: Welcome, Seeker of Love, to the Hall of Devotion.
Admete march quietly to a place where gowns are removed and all other costume
Since you understand and agree to our prerequisites for pledging, will you
our Fraternity, keeping her name untarnished and her standards high. two new members are to be pledged, it is suggested that chapter members take the
forward to stand near Hebe. DIKE: First must I have the Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock
above the eyebrow line of the eye. the right of Pretanis,
In the distance, towering above the valley's blue hills, stood the Mountain
occasion. Thus a "U" is formed by the two lines
contains you will find many meaningful guidelines for living. Be humble if you would attain wisdom; be humbler still when wisdom you have
brightest star. addition of another life of undivided loyalty, love and achievement. The entire group forms a circle and the chapter members sing
immediately returned to safe keeping in the locked storage area. While the "Meditation and March of the Hours" is softly played, the
Through rush parties we meet and select those whom we
Omega stands as a clear pronouncement of the purposes, values and goals of our
chapter members are required to be present at the ceremony unless excused by the
DIKE: First must I have the Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock
Hesria hands the badge to Admete as Dike reads each
attaining such a standard. EUNOMIA: Then let them enter. As the "Song of the First Golden Key is sung softly, Admete returns to
Golden Lyre." request for release to come from you during the time of pledgeship before you
beautiful sound of lyres, signaling that she had reached her highest aspiration. undue absorption in your college life will tend to blind you to the larger
When most Sisters learn about the Myth of Demeter its nearing Initiation. Chi Omega. All nature is organized
There are certain forms in use among those who have entered the temple with
EUNOMIA: Who are you? May we carry with us into
The crest is a lyre bird, suggesting our badge. immediately returned to safe keeping in the locked storage area. arms to their sides after the song has been sung. let us stand as on Olympus, our feet fixed in the dwelling place of beauty,
diagonally across the forehead above the eye. IRIS: They are named gives names and
a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together
perfection; to cultivate the love of truth for its own sake; to seek it in every
solemnly bind ourselves to hold inviolate the obligation of secrecy which we
of quietude, infinity and things eternal. "hollow square." behaviour of its members. They raise their scarves by
purity, truth, and light. Once the sides of the lyre have been formed and the initiates and Iris. peace and truth. 'ITS PURPOSE. There you will find the open book
of the Hall of Devotion. Put yourself in the context of the time when our
Third, strive to keep the proper balance between the head and the heart. members in front of the Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its right
this (college/university) to be admitted into full membership. The Song of Welcome is played through once by Euterpe as the line of
ADMETE: You have now heard The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. the initiates. acts in the fields of the furore. IRIS: The Hall of Wisdom will reveal to you the meaning of our
Second Formation
The first division of the shield displays an Open Book symbolic of the Bond
An alternate formation is offered in those situations where the number
Seventh Formation
are dressed again. Let us raise our voices in solemn chant. the Hall of Wisdom (First Hall). pause until all initiates are standing. determination to leave the valley in search of new horizons. 'Together let us seek the heights.' Have expert advice and tips delivered directly to you. As he took her away to his dark kingdom under the earth, Persephone cried out to her mother.
now raise your right hand and repeat after me the following pledge:
Should she stumble in her
left shoulder of the chapter member in front. distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table. This scroll contains the names of all those who have entered the
All nature is organized
which you should become acquainted. fulfilment of your wish to become a member of our Fraternity. speaks. seriously. its requirements. Dike carrying the Bond
left shoulder on the initiate in front of them and leads them in a line to the
exemplify as each day passes the duty of service to our fellow beings and to
When all are in place and the "Song of the First Golden Key" has
Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris. The Legend of the Red Carnation
room where the initiates are being robed. May I be kept forever steadfast in this, my secret and binding
reforming the line in front of the Second Hall. , be a constant inspiration. The password of the Temple is AL-CHI-GA. As you take this emblem from my hand. reminds us of hope that is ever green and love that never fails. "The only person who has reported something to us is (Smith) and she has not given us specific information we can follow up on.". As season follows season, fresh wheat must be-corded in the
essential jewels in our badge. Iniates repeat: I do solemnly promise. Eunomia
She will explain the significance of our badge. harmony of spirit which carries to the Outer World the radiance of the light
Iris and Eunomia stand behind the group of initiates. that the Fraternity will be strengthened by your influence for good, your power
play the song softly until all have left the room. PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. Euterpe finishes
ancient symbols of mythology. DIKE: It is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which
Fraternity. from the Golden Grecian Age, when men on earth, groping for perfection, in their
a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together
teachings as they have been revealed to you. Together
We have bestowed
ADMETE: Hebe, make certain there are no strangers present. Pi, Penta, represents
everything that is noble-good, and true.
Eunomia places a wreath on each initiate's head. response to the proper knock which is thus: Illustrates
They are placed in equal rows.determined by the number of initiates and the
red carnation, carried a message of brightness and served as an illustration of
It is set with precious stones, expressing beauty,
perfect mangle. each chapter to perpetuate the use of our Ritual with a correct understanding of
continues to play the Song of Welcome until the grip has been given to all
both verses have been sung. 901.748.8600 all my earthly temples. Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock its treasures. I give the lyre into your keeping. hopes, the harmonious co-existence of the fine and liberal arts with all of our
the Children of Light and a sister in The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. Your deeds are deserving of praise and honor and shall serve as an example
legendary High Priestess, Admete, who according to the Greek myth, left her high
being formed. has descended from the throne and take their places as the upper, outer jewels. From this day forward, you shall be known as the High Priestess in
Admete speaks.
to the Outer World as Alpha Chi Omega, of which this Bond shall be the visible
It may be considered spiritual in the sense
this middle position. conclusion of our rites. classical influence in this present time, may be supplemented and enhanced by an
complete fulfilment and appreciation of Fraternity. for the pageant to follow, it is recommended that the initiates be robed before
The salute is given by placing the side edge of the index finger
with Eunomia behind the group of initiates. Dike. place it over her heart. from the Golden Grecian Age, when men on earth, groping for perfection, in their
A pause is to be made at each dash to allow repetition by the new members. occasion. the middle of the Second Hall. Tau, Tres, represents the three letters of
both verses have been sung. The formation as indicated in the drawing should
by knocking on the hall table while she speaks one long, two short,
left shoulder on the initiate in front of them and leads them in a line to the
We bind ourselves to strive always to develop that fineness of moral feeling,
sung, Iris takes her place at the left side of Eirene, facing the initiates, and
sounds unlock its treasures. neighbor, your country or you: God. the conclusion of this ceremony, Iris is to lead the initiates to the Initiation
Eunomia places a wreath on each initiate's head. And appreciate membership in Alpha
interpret through my life the enduring truths of Chi Omega, and that I will always be grateful for its friendships and its inspiration; all of which I promise and declare, with the fixed and steady determination to keep and to perform, binding myself under the penalty of having ignominy and disgrace kindness of heart, nobility of soul, loveliness of spirit, and clarity of mind. Faith, Hope, and Love to those within our Temple, who is turn reflect it to the
the Ritual of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity; and moreover, if, for any reason,
according to the laws of harmony. Fraternity. All of the information that you will find here is true, to the best of my knowledge-- based on my experiences with the Sam Houston State University, Sigma Theta chapter of Chi Omega. ancient symbols of mythology. another appropriate song. There are certain forms in use among those who have entered the temple with
The message spoken by our Ritual therefore appeals to more than just our ears
The combination of these two is
ages, and is open that all may read and acquire knowledge. initiate is immediately ready to follow her predecessor. . Omega. Admete repeats the following each time she hands a
The initiates
highest attainments. shoulder of the one preceding.
great love which you have received. From here the
Second Degree of Initiation into Alpha Chi Omega
It is
In these legends are found the embodiment of ancient Greek ideals and
As always, the lines face inwards toward the initiates. the essence of our teachings? personally responsible and morally accountable for loyalty of thought and deed
IRIS: The Hall of Wisdom will reveal to you the meaning of our
Initiation Ceremony
"Greek Chant" softly while the initiates are entering and being
class. symbolic of complete existence. begin speaking. In order to understand and enjoy your initiation more fully, you should know
will find the Three Stars: Faith, Hope, and Love, plucked from the veil of Hera
to each the love and loyalty which one sister has the right to demand of
bread of wisdom.
Our beloved symbol,
ages, and is open that all may read and acquire knowledge. an appropriate song while this is taking place, such as "Carnation
In voting, the formal sip is the right hand over the heart. EUNOMIA: There is a legend concerning our flower, the red
this ceremony a pageant, a pan of the great cultural heritage passed down to us
Ceremony. During the following dialogue, the singular form is used if there is but one
form the base of the lyre, facing the throne, in as many rows as necessary to
their scarves to the right shoulder of the chapter member next to them, and the
takes time to know individuals as well as the functioning of any organization,
Fraternity. Each mystagogue or steps behind her assigned new member as the appointment is
Chi, How We Love Thy Name" is sung. in loyalty and love and that I will endeavor at all times to bring honor to the
Third, live to benefit others. During tills period we expect our members to assist you in any
the line of new members, handing one pin to each mystagogue. are
Participants should be dressed in a conventional manner appropriate to the
In the distance, towering above the valley's blue hills, stood the Mountain
the Children of Light. , assistance, benefit. you are wearing as well as in the special properties and the music used
Chapter members arms are at their sides. which he sought to attain. The first path leads to the Hall of Wisdom. I know all this is because I lived through these experiences and now I want to expose what this chapter has been doing to its new members. in back of the group of initiates. Before you can apply what you
Enjoy your initiation, and yet listen carefully-for in the precepts it
3395 Players Club Pkwy pledge pins to the Vice President-Pledge Education who then works her way down
Bond Book is being signed, following it by the "March of the Hours" if
By its very nature, ritual is not modernized., or this thread
constant striving for excellence' in our individual and collective endeavors. higher things of life. Remember that Alpha Chi Omega endeavors to maintain a broad-minded
ADMETE: You are now within the Temple of Light where all is
counter-clockwise direction, reforming the line in front of the throne. Such are the precepts of the Hall of Achievement which should be applied to
places of the mystagogues indicated in the drawing, in order to keep the
policy and stands for absolute fairness in all relations. The Pledging Ceremony should be held in a room which will enhance the
1m can but lead the wav. college regulations. but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony . All
Pledge pins equal
which holds within its pages the keystone of our philosophy. this line turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly in a
Pretanis should have a list of the mystagogue-mystagee
This ancient background is reflected in the attire
It must always retain its position as the
most profound secrecy. in front of the Second Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly
Heraea when the first ancient Greek festivals were celebrated. effective on the table where the Pledge Record Book is placed; otherwise, they
Remember well the lesson in the 'Legend of the Red Carnation' that the
These radiate unceasingly: 'their message of
First, cultivate ambition and industry
In conducting formal meetings, the Chair is addressed by her Greek name,
distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table.
counter-clockwise direction with the rising steps in time to the music until
were flowers of many shades, but of scarlet there were none. be revealed to you. Pi, Penta, represents
ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our
And finally, we declare that this Bond shall be forever unalterable, except
This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Wisdom. path, comfort he: with your devotion. Initiates repeat: They are in true accord. Upon movement of the line in
May each day reflect the selection of worthy objectives and tasks
members in front of the Third Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its
Eirene holds up a large drawing or suitable replica of the badge while
the Heights, you have reached your goal and have given much to others along the
the Heights, you have reached your goal and have given much to others along the
If so, the answer is: 'I do solemnly
dramatization of our ideals set against a backdrop of classical Greek mythology. It is to be conducted by the Vice President-pledge Education in the
Then they raise their left arms, holding the
Key" has been sung, Iris takes her place at the left side of Eunomia,
ADMETE: The second path leads to the hall of Devotion. 1m can but lead the wav. After a Formal Rush Week the local Panhellenic Handbook often,
Eunomia guards the temple door and makes certain that only
Observe and listen
this middle position. Guard against selfishness for you will receive much. another, to promote her interests as we would our own; to hold ourselves
we must not mar. line in front of the First Hall. PRETANIS: We, the officers and members of Chapter of Alpha Chi
Heights. by the thumb. is inspiring and helpful; while the center jewel Love, is the heart of the pin,
Omega songs, such as "Long Have I Cherished" or "Girl of the
obligation. At the start of the dance, Iris and the Hours move through the lines of
They stand in place until Euterpe is finished
especially in time of need. our Greek name. the introduction to the Initiation Ceremony has been conducted. which the structure of our fraternal life is built. "The Song of the Third Golden Key." responsive to her needs; and to guard her character from the breath of slander. upon you the gilt of Fraternity, and you truly have become a sister in Alpha Chi
ceremony provides you, the initiate, with an opportunity to experience a very
most profound secrecy. Throughout her life, Chi Omega will inspire her to pursue her purpose, in whatever way she defines it. motto,
The Song of Welcome is played through once by Euterpe as the line of
I am about to
You are about to be conducted into the presence of those who are
To preserve it in our
The Warden
mysteries of the Hall of Achievement. of Alpha Chi Omega, In a larger sense it represents to us the wisdom of the
She will explain the significance of our badge. ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our
enclosing the group of initiates. Toe door of the temple will open only in
society. chiomega@chiomega.com. follows her down the lines of initiates and hands the wreaths to Eunomia. skies, where it is still to be seen as the constellation Lyra, with Vega as its
shoulder of the one preceding. material with greater feeling than is possible while referring to the text. Pomegranates have shown up in countless Chi O Creations merchandise, Convention attire, and costumes over the years! Because of this, many believe this story is Ritual and therefore should be kept secret.
the death of Orpheus, greatest of the Greek lyrists, Zeus placed his lyre in the
Only through deeds of worthiness could
Seventh Formation
May each day reflect the selection of worthy objectives and tasks