The batteries inside the cargo transport unit are not subject to marking or labelling requirements of part 172 subparts D and E of this subchapter. c. Every installed inflation cylinder, as associated equipment of the life-saving appliance, must be packed within the protective packaging of the life raft and the life raft itself must otherwise be in compliance with 173.219. d. The serial number for each cylinder must be recorded as part of the life-saving appliance service record by the U.S. Coast Guard-approved servicing facility. 385 Notwithstanding the provisions of 177.834(l) of this subchapter, cargo heaters may be used when weather conditions are such that the freezing of a wetted explosive material is likely. B52 Notwithstanding the provisions of 173.24b of this subchapter, non-reclosing pressure relief devices are authorized on DOT 57 portable tanks. Company Name: Artisan EHS Consulting, LLC. A7 Steel packagings must be corrosion-resistant or have protection against corrosion. c. Each glass inner packaging is protected by a means of preventing puncture of the plastic bag (e.g., sleeves or cushioning) in the event of damage to the packaging (e.g., by crushing). in such a manner as to prevent short circuits, accidental operation, and significant movement relative to the cargo transport unit under the shocks, loadings, and vibrations normally incident to transport. The map below, compiled from data provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is the most accurate nuclear attack map and fallout demonstration available for 2023: (Image courtesy of FEMA and Halcyon Maps) The fallout would rapidly spread, turning targeted cities into whole affected regions. 156 Asbestos that is immersed or fixed in a natural or artificial binder material, such as cement, plastic, asphalt, resins or mineral ore, or contained in manufactured products is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. Additionally, the offeror must notify the carrier if the tank pressure rise exceeds 3 psig over any 24-hour period. 16 This description applies to smokeless powder and other solid propellants that are used as powder for small arms and have been classed as Division 1.3C, 1.4C and Division 4.1 in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter. Use of these proper shipping names for domestic shipments may be made only under a DOT special permit, as defined in, and in accordance with the requirements of subpart B of part 107 of this subchapter. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. The Associate Administrator will base the authorization on results from Series 2 tests and a Series 6(c) test from the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) on packages as prepared for transport in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter. PDF DOT CHART 16 Hazardous Materials Markings,Labeling and Placarding Guide These notes are explained at the end of each TABLE. In addition, the portable tank must be designed so that internal surfaces may be effectively cleaned and passivated. (c) Additional air transport requirements. A separate drafting site N40 This material is not authorized in the following packagings: a. IBCs are authorized subject to the conditions and limitations of this section provided the IBC type is authorized according to the IBC packaging code specified for the specific hazardous material in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table of this subchapter and the IBC conforms to the requirements in subpart O of part 178 of this subchapter at the . 49 Mixtures of solids that are not subject to this subchapter and corrosive liquids may be transported under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Class 8, provided there is no free liquid visible at the time the material is loaded or at the time the packaging or transport unit is closed. This is an automated process for The proper shipping name Paint related material, corrosive, flammable may be used for consignments of packages containing Paint, corrosive, flammable and Paint related material, corrosive, flammable in the same package; c. The proper shipping name Paint related material, flammable, corrosive may be used for consignments of packages containing Paint, flammable, corrosive and Paint related material, flammable, corrosive in the same package; and. B23 Tanks must be made of steel that is rubber lined or unlined. Column 1 specifies the T Code. Note 1: Based on maximum lading pressure of 1 psig at top of cargo tank. Kits that are carried on board transport vehicles for first aid or operating purposes are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. DOT Specification 57 port-able tanks used for the transport by vessel of Class 3, Packaging Group II materials must conform to the fol-lowing: (1) Minimum design pressure. These provisions apply only to transportation by water: W1 This substance in a non friable prill or granule form is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Test and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and is found to not meet the definition or criteria for inclusion in Division 5.1. 49 CFR -172.101 Hazardous Materials Table info - MaselliWeb A61 a. Dry batteries not specifically covered by another entry in the 172.101 Table are covered by this entry (i.e., Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s.) Your Nuclear Attack Map for 2023 - In accordance with Special Provision 8 in 172.102, which is referenced in Column 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT; 172.101) for the entry "UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.," a hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description "Other regulated substances . Portable tank special provisions are designated with the abbreviation TP (tank provision) and are assigned to specific hazardous materials in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table. Table I - Maximum Ambient Temperature - Gasoline. B66 Each tank must be equipped with gas tight valve protection caps. A189 Except where the defining criteria of another class or division are met, concentrations of formaldehyde solution: a. Column 7 of the HMT specifies codes for special provisions applicable to packaging, packaging requirements, certification, and marking or labeling for a hazardous material. You can The rechargeable lithium ion cells can only be charged from the primary lithium metal cells; ii. When a consignment is undeliverable, the consignment shall be placed in a safe location and the appropriate competent authority shall be informed as soon as possible and a request made for instructions on further action. air bag inflators, air bag modules, seat-belt pretensioners, and pyromechanical devices containing Class 1 (explosive) materials or materials of other hazard classes. The cylinder must be transported in a closed motor vehicle displaying FLAMMABLE GAS placards in accordance with subpart F of part 172 of this subchapter. (Toy caps), 1.4S or NA0337, Toy caps, 1.4S are not subject to the subpart E (labeling) requirements of this part when offered for transportation by motor vehicle, rail freight, cargo vessel, and cargo aircraft and, notwithstanding the packing method assigned in 173.62 of this subchapter, in conformance with the following conditions: a. No outage is required for helium. A stimulating mechanism must be used to initiate one article in the middle of the packaging. For the purpose of this special provision, vehicles are self-propelled apparatus designed to carry one or more persons or goods. When Column 7 refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that special provision are as set forth in 172.102 of this subpart. N74 Packages consisting of tightly closed inner containers of glass, earthenware, metal or polyethylene, capacity not over 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) securely cushioned and packed in outer wooden barrels or wooden or fiberboard boxes, not over 15 kg (33 pounds) net weight, are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. Regulation Y Except for transportation by aircraft, as an inner packaging of a combination packaging with a maximum net mass of 40 kg (88 pounds). 3090 or 3091, as appropriate. 2 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone B (see 173.116(a) or 173.133(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. Any glass inner packaging showing evidence of leakage, distortion or other defect under this test must not be transported under the terms of this special provision; b. The unintended errors are summarized below. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. During the course of transportation, these substances must be shaded from direct sunlight and all sources of heat and be placed in adequately ventilated areas. Net weight of contents may not exceed 15 kg (33 pounds). Organization and Purpose TABLE 2 lists . For this test, the provisions of paragraphs except letter g, to, and of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria must be applied. IBCs of type 31A and 31N are only authorized if approved by the Associate Administrator. In addition to the provisions applicable to the transport of Division 6.1 substances, the provisions of 173.421(c) and 173.443(a) of this subchapter apply. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. Subpart BTable of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions 172.101 Purpose and use of haz-ardous materials table. Shipment of packages under this special provision must be made by private or contract motor carrier. Codes in Column 7 may be numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. N42 1A1 drums made of carbon steel with thickness of body and heads of not less than 1.3 mm (0.050 inch) and with a corrosion-resistant phenolic lining are authorized for stabilized benzyl chloride if tested and certified to the Packing Group I performance level at a specific gravity of not less than 1.8. Column 7 of the HMT specifies codes for special provisions applicable to packaging, packaging requirements, certification, and marking or labeling for a hazardous material. The temperature of the material at the time it is offered for transport and during transportation may not exceed 55 C (130 F). the hierarchy of the document. N43 Metal drums are permitted as single packagings only if constructed of nickel or monel. With less than 10 percent formaldehyde, are not subject to this subchapter. 164 Substances must not be transported under this entry unless approved by the Associate Administrator on the basis of the results of appropriate tests according to Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). The standards for transporting a single bulk hazardous material for blasting by cargo tank motor vehicles (CTMV); and. There you have it! Mixtures containing at least 98%, by mass, of phlegmatizer are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 367 For the purposes of documentation and package marking: a. A112 Notwithstanding the quantity limits shown in Column (9A) and (9B) for this entry, the following IBCs are authorized for transportation aboard passenger and cargo-only aircraft. B115 Rail cars, highway trailers, roll-on/roll-off bins, or other non-specification bulk packagings are authorized. These mixtures may be classified in Division 4.1 when tested in accordance with test series 6(c) of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and approved by the Associate Administrator. shipping name in Column (1) of the 172.101 Table, it means that the mate-rial is known to pose a risk to humans. W31 Non-bulk packagings must be hermetically sealed. 21 This material must be stabilized by appropriate means (e.g., addition of chemical inhibitor, purging to remove oxygen) to prevent dangerous polymerization (see 173.21(f) of this subchapter). B77 Other packaging are authorized when approved by the Associate Administrator. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. eCFR :: 49 CFR 172.101 -- Purpose and use of hazardous materials table. TP40 The portable tank must not be transported when connected with spray application equipment.
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