During the evaluation, Paul also told me that one of the evaluation team members had told him that the team had questions about me as a chaplain. I am saddened by the atomic bombings in Japan during World War II. After reading a chapter in one of your books, I have a sense of experiencing the reality of Jesus in my life on a deeper level. I am really curious about forgiveness. I might not agree with the perspective or conduct of a lot of Southern Baptists, but this was the most unfair caricature I have seen in a long time. This book was on his wifes book shelf. Despite being a Christian for many years and praying about this for a long time I still struggled. I cant see it. The book bent my thinking in so many ways. Also, from your travels, you never mentioned Nigeria, dont you think it will be nice to come to Nigeria? Youll likely enjoy Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, Eugene Peterson, Robert Barron as well. and that is what I know. Chiara Lubich gave me huge insight into how to live my life and she has and is still a huge inspiration to me however, God is great, because your book somehow showed me what we all need and that we are surrounded by grace and are surprised by grace. Currently I am reading Reaching for the Invisible God. Dear Philip, No need to respond I primarily wanted to say that your books have helped and I wanted to thank you for that. Im afraid its not mine, David. Ill send you a private email with any editorial ideas. Your comment shows a lot of maturity, even though to you it may feel confusing. After laying my hands 15 years ago on The Jesus I never knew, I have read 7 of your books and every book ignite a fire in me and to see the missing part of Christianity. Because we are time-bound creatures, limited to sensing the present and recalling the past, it maybe bothers or disappoints or upsets (or better word?) In particular if you feel the holy spirits leading I would like to see you write about the phenomenon of Marriage and the functional Christien home. He was there for me when I was that child, teen, young adult and now. Shortly afterwards, a couch appeared in my office. Im a writer from Spain. Philip. May he who set the galaxies ablaze keep your heart burning for him. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for our selfishness and being so inconsiderate. Two years later, the results of that decision in daily life still cause us emotional pain. Like all man-made religions, it is the untruth people are used to Philip Yancey publishes a shining example of "Christian" contradiction. He said, I just wanted to come and say hello. I was overwhelmed with tears and moved to prayer. I am so glad I was able to represent my Saviour, my God, on Wall St that day. What bible passage or passages inspired you to use those words? I think I understand your point of view, and thank you for it. "Of course, there were good qualities too. and hope for the best? Mr Yancey, I want to thank you for giving me hope in a tough life. Though that book was written in the 90s, not much about it is dated, and what you write about the relationship between humans and God is as fresh as it gets. I told the V and C guard I would come back later and talk when there was not all this shouting going on, but the dog handler kept shouting and would not let it or me go. Philip Yancey - Amazing Grace? it is worthless. His career choice was at least partly inspired by your books (specifically those written about and with Dr. Paul Brand). Mine was specifically Southern fundamentalistangry, legalistic, and racist. Thats not allowed. If were sad, were allowed to express it. For some kind of answer, for some kind of hope, for some kind of a break. Then Imam Ramazan, who was also in the meeting, added that I had gone into my own office one day, locked the door and refused to open it for them. Thank you! I am so glad to see that there are others walking the same path as myself. Thank You for your commitment to a calling that truly blesses me and, Im certain, many others as well. I wont add to the formula answers. I believe at this point I own almost all of your books and I wanted you to know they have really meant so much to me in trying times and not so trying times. We are going through you book and study materials, Whats so amazing about Grace? I am finding it a profound experience. (When they hit the teenage years, that is a different story, of course!) I am in my 60s and will probably die an atheist unless someone can change my cold heart, even if it is an attempt to maneuver me to their self serving purpose. Pray for people of good will to reach out to their neighbors and friends. Cheers You are indeed a Gift: of honesty and humility. I wrote Disappointment with God exactly for people going through the kinds of challenges you describe. I mean, feel free to believe in the spirits of thetans blown up in a nuclear explosion on earth by the evil dictator Xenu 75 million years ago if youd like. My two most common phrases are I dont know what to believe and Lord, is this really you?. Mouws book was the most delightful. Thats been scary for several reasons. Ive always wondered about the following topic on Forgiveness and how it relates to grace. This topic may be worthy for you to write a book! Lastly, these months we felt that God brought us so many people who are in needs autoimmune, cancer, and one of my office member of the Board who was also imprisoned similar case to my Dad. Usually I end up throwing away 100-150 pages from each book, however. He began to gain back his life and ministry, in the midst of an uncomfortable and unpleasant life. It helps me to consider alternatives. The Bible Jesus Read, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1999. I do know that mental (and spiritual) states have physical manifestationsplacebo effects alone prove that. Fully Accredited Bible College in Virginia. Kindest regards The rationale behind this note serves to express my gratitude towards you for shaping my thought world in the way you did. Hopefully I will be able to attend one of your book signing events one of these days. I preached on Colossians 2:8-15, talking about how Christs work had made us complete (KJV language), stressing how Christs death had broken legalisms power over us. I packed up my things and was excited about the years of study ahead ,as I stood on the Train platform in Saint John waiting for the train to take me to Toronto and the Church Army,./now called Threshold Ministries. Phil also told me that Don would make prisoners stand facing the wall on the unit for his whole shift, not allowing them to move. Im a new Jesus follower and your books have been very useful to me. I didnt feel like a giant. But I have just recently come upon your books on my own, the latest one being Reaching for the Invisible God. (With Tim Stafford) The NIV Student Bible, Revised, Compact Edition, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002. Philip, One more, final question came from the audience on my last night in Newtown, and it was the one I most did not want to hear: Will God protect my child? I stayed silent for what seemed like minutes. As we say at our church, To God be the glory.. It seems that God has blessed you much and used you for His glory. It was here that I met Capt Mark Dickson of the Church Army and we became friends . According to the RBC website, Yancey has been Why is one view tolerated and the other not? This warms my heart, Lindsay. He was of medium height, without a single ounce of fat on him, and had sandy, curly hair . What is the greatest commandment? But Christianity is completely the opposite. I want to thank you for the frankness and honesty with which you write. The amount of hate, sexism, racism, every -ism that this campaign has brought out in our country grieves me deeply. I have not seen her since. They found her in a diabetic coma on Thanksgiving day and Hospice was called in a few days afterwards. My favorite book that you wrote is Reaching For The Invisible God. Philip Yancey grew up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the Deep South. Each has received good reviews from people who count. I feel like both the father and the son with myself. Phillip, Please visit our website if you can. Wishing that I might be able to see you in person one day by wandering around the world. You know what? When I wrote the book, Bill Clinton was in office, and now its Donald Trump. I would like to know what name of the book you recommend me to read? A few weeks ago I saw the guide for sale on Amazon in Spanish, but have not been able to find it again. If I had ever memorized it, it would have been at least fifty years ago. This is one of the most moving accounts of redeemed pain that I have ever heard. . Im already excited to think that I am able to send this message and you will be able to read and reply. Through the grace of which you write I have been won back and come to the realisation, of which Victor Frankl wrote so ably, that the only choice that cannot be taken from us is that of how we will respond to whatever happens to us. I chose to remain behind to conduct two pre-scheduled chapel services because there had been no chapel services recently due to a series of lock-downs. I have corresponded with her staff on numerous happy occasions over the years [18] [19], so I turned to her for support. My books are a process of exploration and investigation of things I wonder about and worry about. Yancey writes with an eye for detail, irony, and honest skepticism. - Church Growth Magazine, https://biologos.org/podcast-episodes/thomas-jay-oord-uncontrolling-love, Was the Virgin Mary a Virgin? It is truly heart warming and humbling. You affirm and encourage me. Anti-Semitism in the Chaplaincy Office I decided not to send it. 12:21) No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed. (Is. Philip Yancey - Wikipedia I was able to let go of the shame Ive always faintly clung to for the fact that I always felt like that person who went to the retreat and didnt get the experience Id hoped for, the person who closed my eyes during listening prayer times and was not blessed with a profound image, the one who yearned and longed and prayed for a tangible sense of Gods presence and overwhelming love and, more often than not, didnt get it. My father asked me to read, The Question That Never Goes Away. I did. He is the recipient of a Christianity Today Book of the Year Award, two ECPA Book of the Year Awards, and eleven Gold Medallions. As I argued with the Lord in my head, He moved me to write an article to call on Christians to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are under persecution. A number of Yancey's books have been bestsellers in the Christian market, and a fewincluding The Jesus I Never Knew and What's So Amazing about Grace?have sold well enough to find places on the mainstream bestseller lists. Please join us in praying for our country. Keep writing HONESTLY, because you build bridges to others who are struggling to figure out what the heck the Christian life is all about. So I started Malachi Dads and Christianity Explored right after the new year. Wow. And I now have an entirely new perspective on Him, what he promises me, and what its like to know Him. I told her what happened to me after I reported Gord Domineys sexual abuse of young offenders at the Edmonton Young Offenders Center, and Don Westmans voyeurism at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre. Philip. In about 6 hours, an asteroid will pass Earth, in astronomical terms, by a hairsbreadth. Mr. Rasmus talked to me regarding a letter I had written to the CSC Commissioner. 3. Wisely, you dont reveal what side youre on, because your question applies to both sides in this regrettable campaign. Lewis Smedes has the answer to my question? My credit record is horrendous. God bless you and Patty. Why does He let us suffer?" (Jeremiah 29:13) Sounds like you are doing exactly that surely your eagerness and desire to speak with God pleases Him greatly! For instance, what I learned from a book like To Kill a Mockingbird or Black Like Me contradicted the racism I encountered in church. The US and Canada have only a hardback version, which you can get for about the same price as the paperback, which is only published in the U.K. Im not sure if you can order a U.K. edition from Canada. Dear Mr. Yancey: Ive been wanting to write to you for a long time. Philip. Thank you for writing these books, and I hope that you will continue to use your gift for words to walk alongside those who struggle with doubt. I know the purpose of that days devotional was not for you to complain about having to interact with people on this subject. To this date I have still not received the results of this investigation. And whatever we long for, God longs for more. Again, on what grounds can you make this statement? Thanks brother Theyre still voting Republican. However, after researching historical/alternative theories, it seems to me that atonement is far richer than I had ever imagined. I understood this comment to be a threat. The idea is new to me. I am always reminded of soldiers in WWII that were of fighting age, but were not drafted. I had watched the very funny film, What About Bob? 2 or 3 times before settling on the one kernel I should take away on my spiritual journey: When Bob (Bill Murray) is interviewed by a reporter, he says, I treat people as if they were telephones. There is so much more I have learned I wouldnt know where to start. Normally I would happily agree to your request. After reading about the ones who inspired you so much, I felt strongly that I must tell you that YOU are one of the people that has inspired me and changed my way of thinking about many, many things. That all-important border would be invisible, that noisy argument silenced. And I doubt that I am with Christians. She abandoned her little girl to the streets. There must be a God, not just because Creation rings with Him, but also because in all of these deep and lonely breakings He has continued to help me praise Him again. Like yourself I read a lot and have come to consider CS Lewis, Victor Frankl, yourself, William Lane Craig and others to be guiding lights (and almost friends unmet) in faith and family. Your book was written 32 years ago and God had me read it and put a deep burden on my heart for him. (With Tim Stafford) Unhappy Secrets of the Christian Life, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1979. It loves today's AIDS-ridden addict as much as the tax collector of Jesus' day. My friend pointed out that even if we had put in a new trailer, it would also be neglected and in a few years end up in the same shape. I seek your wisdom as I am at one of the lowest points in my life. He is much less angry now, and open to spirituality and the supernatural, though more in a New Age kind of way than traditionally Christian. It has given me additional assurance in growing my relationship with God. Ken, as a person whom was so broken I contemplated taking my own life due to life circumstances and choices I had made. First among these is probably Frederick Buechner, one of the most honest, funny and poignant writers I can think of. There was no evidence that they had mental issues. Philip. What a handsome, happy-looking staff! It was a toxic work environment, with so many people being mocked, bullied and bossed around on a daily basis. He became grateful. God bless! Phil says a Newtown parent asked him, Will God protect my child? To which he replied, Yes! I am taking a psychology class that focuses on Biblical integration with psychological practices. And I am a vegetarian (actually, the only animal products I eat are the eggs that are produced by my own hens)because of the abominable treatment of factory farmed animals in this country, and because I would never kill an animal for food (never mind sport). Even though M2W2 and the Moslem programs would allow inmates from different units to mix, security officer Jenny Reddick would not allow me to do the same for my programs. He would tell Chaplain Paul that some of the inmates Rabbi Ari had said were Jewish were actually not Jewish. I think the reason why is that you both are unafraid to ask questions you dont have answers to. I am now going to be 66 yrs old next month. In Soul Survivor I encountered for the first time authors whom I still read with pleasure and spiritual benefit. I hope you get to see my questions and respond. If you read, say, Job, Psalms, Habakkuk, the complaints against God and criticism of how creation works are stark and obvious. For the very first time, I began to read the New Testament. I read it and put it on my bookshelf, stirred but not capable of truly understanding the idea. I have read one of your books. May God continue to bless your work, your ministry and your family! Im sure you thought the true church would react by going back to works. Thank you! I have searched and searched and searched and have found very little that even addresses the question, and even less that at all helps. But thats not even Scriptural, at least not the emphasis of Scripture. Both are evidence of a spirit of fear! The first book I read was Soul Survivor, (which I have probably read 10 times now). I could appreciate what he was saying. Thanks. Your writing, at the very least, extends sympathy to the likes of me. I have a question. Thank you so much for your book Whats So Amazing About Grace?! Blessing to you and whatever chapter you are in. Anyway, I was wondering if in the future you would write something about mental illness. You will see me more because there are questions I really want to ask you and So, they just ended up reading it and thinking, I should do more to show Christs love to others! And never once considered social justice the Answer. Shortly after his return, Pauls mother died and Paul had to go back to BC once more. We lost Jacob back in 2009. Deeply explore and do not write what only a part of the source says. Marc had gone in as a Roman Catholic and had come out as an evangelical Protestant. Its an honest representation of what a Christian walk really is. As a Croat generation and proud of my ancestors who have left me in the legacy of love for homeland and faith I must correct you. I cant recommend it highly enough. In 2010 Bishop Dorrington of the REC was cruel beyond words ,never have I met such a cruel man in my life,he tortured me emotionally until he broke me. I thank God for you and for your openness and courage to explore beyond the surface. There are so many more things I want to tell you. Id listen to others talk about hearing from God so easily and felt two layers of shame one from my own doubts (is my faith not real?) [32]. Ive stood at Ground Zero in Hiroshima. In some of your books youve written perceptively about the lingering impact of Christianity on our post-Christian culture through organizations like Amnesty International and Alcoholics Anonymous. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. I never leave my moms house now no transportation and we dont get along very well. More than 30 years of committed faith coupled with countless hours invested in scripture, bible group study, supporting books and prayer have still led to a frustrating distance from a God who professes unconditional love and acceptance. Struggling with anger towards divorce? Soul Survivor is my personal favorite because I got to write about my heroes. There are some sensitive and controversial aspects to this book that I need help navigating, and Whats So Amazing is just that. It was none of his business, and I had permission from V and C. Nevertheless, I went to AWI Brad Sass and asked him about it. Thanks, Matt, Ill try to listen and then email you. As a political party member I can vent and debate, mock and obfuscate others policies. My goodness, you certainly have no need to apologize. In fact, a Jewish prisoner was stabbed later that same week. One question that just wont go away for me is the story of Israel conquering the Promised Land. Just let it be. We moved in with my Mom. Anything that helps overcome the loneliness and what I call psychosis of writing. He then told me to take it out of the Institution to get it weighed and priced, so I took it to a nearby Post Office, got it weighed and priced, and handed it back to him to mail out. Your books have opened my mind to a different world of being a believer. To the Newtown parents: More than anything I wanted to answer with authority, Yes! Instead of returning me home to the UK, I was sent for further punishment . You replied with encouragement that was so unexpected, that it was almost jarring. But to compare your comments about those who you feel lack truth with Jesus interactions with sinners, I know without any doubt who I would rather have feedback on my life from. Instead of tax exempt, Id take some of that cash previously making its way to the pockets of Pat Robertson, Creflo Dollar and his $65 million jet, or the recent pastor in Singapore found guilty of extorting $37 million from a church Famous for its slick image and wealthy brand of Christianity. and do something much more edifying with it. So they are not able to reach and write English. I read Black Like Me and was somewhat like the black community. They included major world figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, poet and novelist G.K. Chesterton, seventeenth-century Protestant mystic and writer John Donne, modern novelist Annie Dillard, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop. I am so broken, I am so alone, and I can feel my heart giving up. Nevertheless, I always had just enough and with Gods help I moved on from my depression and started volunteering at a long-term care facility, taking services and doing visits. For now my faith is limited. However, Paul made it a big issue and dragged me along into it. Wow! As much as I appreciate your dedication to the Lord, I have to say that your comments in CT recently are off base. I was becoming uncomfortable around them and the things they said. email Joannie: pyasst@aol.com. Since leaving the local Church, we did some work focusing on solidifying our Chinese roots. Since becoming a Canadian citizen 38 years ago pledged to stand up for what is right, to uphold the law of this country. I know my books are in Indonesia, both in English and many in Indonesian language. In my letter, I described all the verbal abuse that Paul had directed against me. Such a gift. Philip, Can I please humbly request prayer for healing for my lovely God given wife who has cancer. Since then, Ive been through a confusing, but very revealing, journey which will be too long to write about in this already long comment. My eyes were opened to the suffering of those all around. Theres a good chance I adapted it from something I heard from someone else! Being able to verbalize a description of my experience is a bit of a relief, frankly. You shared how you have learned to not even try to address the why questions but try to help people to see that God does care about us in our suffering. The book you mention, Rumors, was retitled A Skeptics Guide to Faith and is still in print. Writing is hard work, done in isolation, and the only feedback I get comes from something I worked on months or years ago. The Poisonwood Bible has been highly touted, but I found it to be a very cynical and distorted book. You are on the front lines; I sit in an office in isolation and write.
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