Rt 395 in ct 1 . Auditory Outcomes in Children Who Undergo Cochlear Implantation Before IET Renewable Power Generation: Vol 17, No 4 But in June 2022, the journal was removed from SCI indexing, what can i do, so much of work in it with two revsions taking more than a year,what can be done, Why is a PhD essential to become a peer-reviewer. Recently, I have submitted my manuscript to a peer reviewed journal (Wiley). We hypothesize that this response is caused by leaf structural change associated with altered tissue water status; under cold winter conditions, leaves often remove water from their mesophyll cells, preventing intracellular freezing, as ice formation within the cells of the leaves is deadly (Steponkus, 1984; Li & Christersson, 1993; Buchanan et . In your recommendations for the author, you should: Remember to give constructive criticism even if recommending rejection. context to reach favorable conservation status of the species and fulfill the criteria of a "good ecological status" under the demands of the European WFD for riverine ecosystems in Hessen and other Central European regions. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, that might be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. However, if the status has been showing "under consideration" for a long time, there is a possibility that the editor is trying to find peer reviewers for the paper. It's been one and a half months in my case and the status of the manuscript still the same. If plagiarism is discovered only after publication, the consequences are worse for both authors and readers, because a retraction may be necessary. It's totally reasonable to send an email to the editor requesting a clarification. Author, 1 C. D. Author 2 and E. F . assigned the manuscript to an Associate Editor - there is no separate system status to indicate this). Especially in science research, it's all about the information gathered. PDF Submission of manuscripts Manuscript Types - Wiley Online Library i have multi x ray images after preprocessing on it , i saved them as a vector in file .dat but this file not accepted in next stage (convolution neural network ). An ORCID ID is required for first and corresponding authors and is strongly encouraged for all authors. ]]> Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Wiley manuscript status under consideration. Depending on the reviewers, a manuscript will be returned to the author(s) for revision or considered unsuitable. In this case, you may wish to familiarize yourself with examples of other reviews done for the journal, which the editor should be able to provide or, as you gain experience, rely on your own evolving style. wiley manuscript status under consideration (Jonathon Halbesleben, Editor of Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology). Is the evidence they present strong enough to prove their case? Conflict of Interest. Manuscript Preparation. Once at a time. Are the authors presenting findings that challenge current thinking? Expect to suggest such amendments - it's rare for a manuscript to pass review with no corrections. How do I write an inquiry to the editor about my manuscript's current status? The. I am also in the same stage. With regard to the arguments construction, you should identify: Not every submission is well written. diensthost wpnuserservice. AWWA Water Science is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original, refereed (peer-reviewed) research on the science, engineering, and social aspects of water. The coatings exhibit remarkable surface-protective performance, including anticorrosion, antifouling, self-healing, anti-icing, and self-cleaning properties. For detailed guidelines see COPE's Ethical guidelines for reviewers and Wiley's Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics. (Editor feedback). Editorial Policies Originality. [CDATA[// >