Lets say it takes 30 years to revert the decay, so what? Take it as it comes. Time alone will tell. One of the most informative, well written, and frankly enjoyable to read, pieces I have read for ages. And, further, I hold that he is honest and a man of good will. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Petrovna_Khrushcheva. I don't know how else to call "it". It was under Catherine that the Crimea was incorporated into the Russian Empire. Official certs cost money and many people will do not use this option. KunstlerCast 371 - Dmitry Orlov on Russia, Ukraine, and the Swirl of Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Make sure to take out as many of the things as you can as they run off. Dmitry Orlov | No place like home. (?) There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either. We frequently post articles that we may differ with, partially or completely, to support open debate. Thus, Russia provides humanitarian aid, business opportunities, some weapons and some volunteers, and bides its time, because creating a viable new Ukraine out of a defunct one is a process that will take considerable time. Stephen F. Cohen, NYU, Princeton University. Fighting bad ideas since 2005. . The US is spiraling down into financial, economic and political collapse, losing its standing in the world and turning into a continent-sized ghetto full of drug abuse, violence and decaying infrastructure, its population vice-ridden, poisoned with genetically modified food, morbidly obese, exploited by predatory police departments and city halls, plus a wide assortment of rackets, from medicine to education to real estate That we know.. http://cluborlov.blogspot.be/2016/08/a-thousand-balls-of-flame.html. I (68) moved to Cairns from Melbourne to get away from my ex after a divorce. with Jesus, cleverly disguised as the two thieves. If they cant keep their hegemony and rape and pillage a volont, they happely use nukes and worse to destroy the world. | About | Contact | Investors | Crowdfunding | RSS, Why this site is the very opposite of hateful - a Christian letter to my hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Dear America - You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake. It will do you good.". He like to play with toy soldiers (literally). The entire pelvis also It was a treat. Katherine. All the original content published on this blog is licensed by Saker Analytics, LLC under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0). And so brave Second training, training, training. But dont force that stuff down our throats. We differ in the assumptions. Will they have the real world experience of Putin? If that doesnt work this wikihow article gives more detail: https://www.wikihow.com/Disable-AdBlock, Page likes, content likes, and shares = GROWTH, Join us! It turns out that, seen as a network operating system, it runs partially on human brains but mostly on various microchips, with a wide assortment of optical, electromagnetic and mechanical sensors attached. It can be proved. How he intends to effect the transition to the post-Putin era remains a mystery, but what recently took place in Kazakhstan may offer some clues. Highly, highly recommend: Listen to audio about Dmitry Sitkovetsky. Get born in Russia or East of Russia next time over or Survived three snake-bites, too, the poor old beggar. Quite correct concerning NATOs soldiery (vot taks pet phrase Zionazi gay springs to mind immediately!) The following quotes (translation mine) are from Vladimir Putin's address and the currently running St. Petersburg World Economic Forum. Quality. ).I thoroughly enjoy. lot of cursing/praying to be heard; are these two in some sense not This worries me as such people have a way of wanting to stay in power at almost any cost, and not always considering the well being of the country. The professor is Jerry something, the lecture can be found at brasscheck.tv, a valuable archive. He. Make snippets of Dmitry talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Good one Saker and Dmitry Orlov. Nature-like technologies, a phrase coined by Vladimir Putin, is a focal point of discussion in this recent interview with Dmitry Orlov. Seconding Larchmonter. The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. the advent of the arctic fox but will, with any luck, be reborn into The longer they wait the worse it will be. This to remark that the big decisions must not rely entirely on the rational part, because it is too prone to make mistakes. To quote Dimitry, from above: Thus we have a mostly Russian-speaking, historically mostly Russian territory where most of the people speak either Russian (some of them with an accent) or a sort of Ukrainian patois called Surzhik, which is Ukrainian-sounding but with mostly Russian words (the overlap between the two languages is so great that it is difficult to draw the line between them). Just as an add, my fathers brothers bones were never found after the war (II). My apologies, for I used wrong translation: Wrona belongs to crow family. Finally, you might want to take a look at this: http://thesaker.is/why-do-i-live-in-the-usa/ The only thing that Ill add, and it really isnt much, is that Americans (for the most part) do not have the skills nor the will to be able to survive a post consumer world. Anyway at the end of the day I enjoyed this article, its an refreshing analysis. Russia has said it will not wait for the enemy to bring the fight to them. Hes talking about how Russia would actually fight the US, if it came to that. These multinational corporations gotta keep the profits up for their shareholders. The hunting was sparse, so, the possum would have to do. Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Dmitry Orlov: America's Fading Global Influence, #113 | America Faded: Syria, Russia, & The Decline Of The American Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Collapse and the Technosphere with Dmitry Orlov, Best Dmitry Samarov Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Shevelenko Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Sitkovetsky Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmoney Martinez Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmoney, Best Dmytro Balaba Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmytro, Best Doak Walker Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doak, Best Doan Winkel Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doan, Best Dobbin Buck Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobbin, Best Doberman Dan Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doberman, Best Dobie Gillis Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobie. How does Mr Orlov arrive that the USSA and EU NATO politicians + army brass have brain cells left to be capable of thinking that the idea to seek war with Russia or China is a bad one? We had the pleasure to interview author, blogger, social critic and philosopher Dmitry Orlov and get his views on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and its implications for the United States. In particular, all the benefits currently enjoyed by retirees, such as reduced public transit fees and reduced property taxes, will be extended to those nearing retirement age. Trump and the MAGA hordes, as well as similar xenophobic and nationalist movements throughout the Anglosphere and Europe, are only a precursor to what is coming. We are starting to see that these problems are systemic. Have to wait and see. I had a factory job in Adelaide that got shipped to China also known as Globalisation. They were always a transcendent bunch, actually, in a culture founded on spiritual independence despite all the overlay of consumerist crap. etc. one. For example, financing a reunification party, granting contracts and jobs to the Russian allies there, logistically supporting a secesion movement, even militarily, because the Khazarians will not let go without bloodshed. We are hearing threats coming out of US Congress and elsewhere. ber alles in der Welt. collapse, the Russians tend to make references to the white furry Nothing wrong with that. The great obstacle to the demise of the USA and EU will be the oligarchs. If thats true, its depressing. Decades, even. NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture, EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's, Trump Lied to the American People Last Night, 23 Times in 7 Minutes, Destroying his Presidency. Having had successful careers as an electronics engineer and then as a software engineer, I am something of a walking, talking museum of automation technology, and can take you on a brief tour of its development. An alternative theory is that the poor person who once owned this skeleton simply had the habit of throwing his boomerang and then forgetting that he threw it. Watch the following 2 videos (French but with English subtitles), theyre really interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaX0DWZ0zhg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT-Wb0zq4sA. The West is collapsing as we speak. preparations to leave the body, we tend to experience a pronounced You see, over the past 30 years most Ukrainians have been content to sit around drinking beer and watching television as their country got looted. What to do. Learn Russian, have a useful skill, and apply for Russian citizenship. The Saker interviews Dmitry Orlov 57342 Views April 16, 2019 [ This interview was originally made for the Unz Review] "I think that the American empire is very much over already, but it hasn't been put to any sort of serious stress test yet, and so nobody realizes that this is the case" French Voice Jury Marvel at Orthodox Seminarians' Breathtaking Performance, What is the Single Most Important, Most Beautiful Thing in Orthodox Christianity? They dont. I have to say that I fully agree with every word Dmitry Orlov says. Dmitry Orlov Stats, News, Bio | ESPN In essence, its a tragic population that will never survive their Empires disintegration. Fortunately, for the entire world, President Putin has shown himself to be an extraordinarily principled leader, full of restraint and guided by high humanist and spiritual beliefs. People who are citizens of Russia are just that russians. together! just doesn't resonate. But the number of problems continues to grow. Dmitry Orlov: I believe that we will be subjected to more of the same, although some things cant go on forever, and therefore wont. Dmitry Orlov, Washington Capitals, D - News, Stats, Bio Yes, it does not make any sense to potentially provoke a nuclear war unless you are insane. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win! We call on Ukraine to act in good faith to solve the problem that arose because of it, to show true concern for its citizens and to get involved in consultations instead of litigation, the statement said. It would be useless against Russia, but it can pose a credible threat of violence against the occupied populations. Mr Orlovs disguised right-wing, ultra-nationalist views paint a portrait of what is wrong with todays wholesale anti-Soviet, Russian intelligentsia. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything. Unlike Russia where there was a great deal of residual folk knowledge, most Americans are dumber than rocks and without a rocks resilience. K may have loved Uke culture or may have had a political debt to pay or something when he gave Crimea to Ukraine. If they can get the Kiev kleptocrats off their backs. Dmitry Orlov has shone for Boston since being moved there, scoring eight points in four games TBD: New York Rangers A controversial choice, for sure, but this requires some explanation. I met one guy who was a bit more enterprising. Unfortunately they dont want defenders of their heritage. Condolences on the death of the resident feline. I am not trying to argue with you as the things you said did happen. It all makes sense. Second, the Ukraine is a rich source of immigrants, having lost around a third of its population since independence. @Tomsen The name originated from Polish not Russian. Kind regards Catherine also oversaw the partitioning of the Polish-Lithuanian empire, gaining for Russia the lions share. Hes been predicting collapse for some time and it has not occurred or come close to happening. dmitry orlov interview . The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. people also involuntarily utter sacrilegious profanities (theres It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, but was first mentioned in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel "Heir to the Empire. experience of the event. Seraphim Rose, UKRAINE: Homosexual Movement Is Key to Understanding the War, I Wasn't a Debt-Free Virgin Before Marriage - Here's What I Learned the Hard Way, Russian Beauty and Christian Fashion - It's Stunning, Why Russian Women Still Cover Their Heads in Church (Hint: It's in the Bible). The key is, for Putin to either get on with the program or get out so new non-liberal president can do what needs to be done. The east of the country is gripped in a drought of unprecedented depth and extent, and in many places, duration. Saker I am just a common West European .. Danish in fact I am a bit unusual for a dane I admit , as I have lived outside my Country for most of my life , and the reasons for that being ,partly circumstance partly that I wasnt happy about the state of affairs in my Home country , mainly due to usurious taxation but also of other reasons . Dmitry Orlov: Well, look, Russia is a place that's extremely dynamic, fast changing, responds to a challenging environment, a changed environment, very popular throughout the world, at peace with most nations of the world, even nations that are at war with each other still talk to, both sides will still talk to Russia and have friendly relations. And exercising control requires control circuitry. Both their governments forced the EU constitution through their throats anyway and that without asking (Lisbon treaty). Neither was it affected by the flagrant violation of OSCE rules when our observers were kicked out and over three million Ukrainians working and living in Russia were deprived of the right to vote. It is Russia that supplies the nuclear fuel for the Ukraines aging nuclear power plants which provide well over half of all the electricity there, while Russian coal (anthracite, specifically) supplies much of the rest. There are different accounts on Khrushchevs origins, but accordingly to most biographers Khrushchev was ethnic Russian. might accept that deal. What the GJ propose is true democracy. Dmitry Orlov, engineer and author, warns that the US's reliance on diminishing fuel supplies might be sending it down the same path the Soviet Union took before it collapsed. Geopolitics & Empire interviews Dmitry Orlov on Russian military Some event will come along which will leave the power center utterly humiliated and unable to countenance this humiliation and make adjustments. Washington is filled with smart kleptocrats who understand they cannot afford to destroy the country that keeps on giving them the wealth and power they crave. Dont know about the rest but about the Russian Army: we dont want any part of them. KIEV, April 17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGh1Su7-ok. Stay well and happy Dmitry, I love your thoughts. From some of the previous interviews (including this one) Dmitry mentioned the dangers of glyphosates and non-ionizing radiation. We all know who the adversary is: its not the AZE (AngloZionist Empire) per se, its who rule the Empire. They are symbolically important, as the most virile, masculine, phallic manifestation of the superpower contest. If you want to contact me, my email address is my first name dot my last name at gmail. Once Kiev is cut off from the Black Sea, its over for Kiev. If anyone thinks that is unimaginable Dr. Strangelove fictional slapstick dark humour then have a read of Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety. by Eric Schlosser. I decided to turn to the undisputed expert on social and political collapse, Dmitry Orlov whom I have always admired for his very logical, non-ideological, comparative analyses of the collapse of the USSR and the USA. As collapse intensifies, these Anglo American entities led by the USA will surely lash out in even more aggressive wars to maintain their unipolar world order that they have ruled over since the fall of the Soviet Union. It has no memory and it decides nothing. Precisely. Listen to audio about Dobie Gillis. The only difference between Poroshenko and Zelensky, or any of the other 30+ people who appeared on the ballot, is that Poroshenko has already stolen his billions while his contestants have not had a chance to do so yet, the only reason to run for president, or any elected office, in the Ukraine, being to put oneself in a position to do some major thieving, Sounds like Ukrainian politicians are merely lighter skinned versions of politicians in my own country (Nigeria). Russian and foreign investments could do the trick. Dmitry Orlov: Pandemic, Economic Collapse, & Military Conflict #145 Dmitry Orlov trade details: Bruins bring in Capitals defenseman to add His resources were scarce. You agree not to use the Service in order to post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information of any material that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party. Dmitry Orlov: The first round of the elections was an outright fraud. More than one has clearly stated to me that they have to get their children out of the ever more hedonistic populated areas and go back to the basics. Im afraid this is the kind of critic that can be applied to just about any piece of writing out there. 3. This School seems to be for administrative personnel not for the real ruling bosses. Dmitry Orlov's salary is $3,300,000 and his cap hit is $5,100,000 for the 2022-23 season. which freely combine references to sex, defecation, Also, Ekaterina Velikaya liberated Crimea from a Tatar khan, not from any mythical Ukrainians. Your main problem is youve stumbled onto a site where almost everyone is a good deal more fluent in history than you are. Exceptional, indispensable Pindos and their Euro-trash kith and kin have an inbred sense of entitlement to the worlds natural resources and labour output after half a millennium of premeditated genocide and ecocide around the planet. An Incident On Simonka https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/ March 2014. Even in Russia it took close to a decade to thwart the political power and influence of the oligarchy. Dmitry Orlov (banker) - Wikipedia read. Dmitry Orlov - NHL Defense - News, Stats, Bio and more - The Athletic And then fecken Howard came along. Following his cautionary analysis on the increasing tension between the US/NATO and Russia, Chris interview Dmitry Orlov this week about the potential likelihood for actual direct conflict to break out between the world powers.. Orlov was born and raised in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union and immigrated to the United States in the mid 70s, He has spent the past several decades traveling . His older volunteers went through military training in SU, and some if not many, like him, went through Afghanistan and Chechnya. I remember discussing service in the military with my Norwegian friend, and I am going to quote him here young soldiers have very limited time to live. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. collapse of the USSR during the 1990s. It means TPTB already have a generation of brainwashed liberal narratives in key positions in Russia. Why are you so concerned with saving their lives? But that sort of smooth transition may be hard for the EU and the Americans to orchestrate. Had the Russians invaded, the result would have been a replay of Russias action in Georgia in August of 2008, which lasted about a week. It can be argued that through her coup Catherine saved the existing Russian empire and certainly she expanded and strengthened it, also overseeing the construction of modern infrastructure such as canals and the naval base at Sevastopol. Check out American Nations, by Colin Woodard. Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. In turn, based on the example of the late Roman Empire as well as similar ones from Chinese and Persian history, granting them mercy is one of the worst mistakes a barbarian can make: the result is a bunch of sexually depraved and generally decadent barbarians to be easily overrun and slaughtered by the next bunch of barbarians to happen along. Christian Husbands, Ditch the 'Honey Do' List! and evocative yet polite when referring to financial, commercial, 00:00. http://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com uses an invalid security certificate. Ive already read several articles of Dimitri Orlov so he is known to me, but in this interview hes really on fire. AND they beat the USA in Korea, too. The Ukraines territory was stuck together by the Bolsheviksfirst by Lenin, then by Stalin, then by Khrushchev. These guys would not even take a walk to the beautiful Esplanade that is only 5 minutes away. After some amount of effort by NATO instructors to train the Ukrainians, the instructors gave up. Ill listen again. This political concoction was supposedly held together by a Ukrainian ethnic identity, which is itself a concoction. Do not underestimate the insanity of the American Empire or its high commandnor dismiss the destructive capacity of the US war machine. Instead, what has occurred is several decades of thievery, stagnation and decay. Whether accurate or not, this is what the USA believesand likely act according to this belief. One good read is Peter Phillips recent book and here is a recent interview: For example, people who have never spoken a word of Ukrainian are now forced to use it in order to shop or to obtain government services.The artificial, synthetic Ukrainian identity is too thin to give the country a sense of self or a sense of direction. USA/West//NATO/Europe will NOT allow thelseves to fail; they are so arrogant and so full of themselves they WILL try to start a war, most likely in flashpoint places like the Kertch straight or South Sea. In a significant number of precincts the turnout was exactly 100% instead of the usual 60% or so and counted votes from people who had moved, died or emigrated. I also understand, that few here accused him of being a foreign agent. Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling elites? Take this white Thomas S. Power was Commander of the Strategic Air Command 19571964. Make snippets of Doan talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. The Wests burning hatred of Russia is based precisely on Russias resilience with very good reason. The Damascus explosion blew off the 780 ton silo door and launched the second stage plus its 9 megaton warhead 1000 feet in the air. Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia. Petrov and Boshirov did not shy away from this work. The next slightly less stupid control element is a toggle: it remembers whether the light is on or off and when pushed turns it off or on, respectively. "The way we look at it right now . Meanwhile, the Ukraine makes very little that the European Union or the rest of the world would want, and very little of it complies with EUs voluminous standards and regulations. Unfortunately, unless he lives as long as his mother, Murdoch will probably escape justice, but the ranks of the little monsters infesting the Australian in particular, will be radically thinned, as they face long overdue justice and lengthy, indeed perpetual, incarceration. These old European nations are all aging out, not just in terms of demographics but in terms of the maximum age allotted by nature to any given ethnos. translationos sacrumof the Greek termhieron osteon (holy characterized without resorting to the strongest possible language. And if you are able to plant a lot of trees, please do so at your earliest convenience. Is that true? It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. ClubOrlov - Blogger Something to chew on. I see a very bleak future for all of us Alfred. Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling elites? And I mainly fear: they will never understand what has happened to them. I have been told that all the little towns along the Queensland coast have their quota of similar dropouts. Browse for Dmytro Balaba interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. And they hired 22 year olds from the UK or Germany. They go on seeing the opposite of the truth. She expanded the empire and built many of the beautiful buildings that today are signatures of Russias Golden Age. animal, thereby indirectly referring to the arctic fox, Vulpes Do the Europeans deserve what is coming to them next? Should be forwarded to Hitlery as well,maybe she will finally get the message that she has no chance against Russia? The Gilets Jaunes movement is one important but not the first reaction to the EU dictatorship and its forced upon us political, economical and cultural changes of which the LGBT Wurst thingemy is just one tiny example. Unimaginable that Russia will rebuild that. Moved to Melbourne 2 years ago to try and find paid work once youre over 50 Its bloody tough. Some Ukrainian rocket scientists have apparently gone off to work in North Korea, and this explains the DPRKs recent stunning successes in rocketry. Hes talking about the Russia we know, and the US we know. In my conversations about the Ukraine with many Ukrainians over the years I discovered a shocking truth: unlike the Russians, the Ukrainians seem to have exactly zero ethnic solidarity. fluffy animal into your heart, and you will no longer have to wanly Its a wonderful read, and the most hopeful thing Ive read for ages. "The United States are making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union.
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