The slogan was also used by Abraham Lincoln in the 1864 election. [47] New Harris polls found that Rockefeller fared better against Democratic candidates than Nixon,[48] but the outlook started to appear better for Nixon after he won the Indiana primary over Rockefeller. Nixon edged Humphrey in the popular vote by a margin of 43.42% to 42.72%, with Wallace gaining 13.53%. When Henry Kissinger announced shortly before the election that he had resolved most major negotiating issues with North Vietnam and that therefore "Peace is at hand," it was only icing on the cake. Henry Clay and running mate, "We Polked you in '44, We shall Pierce you in '52" 1852 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, Fremont" 1856 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "The Union must and shall be preserved!" ", Donald Trump then a brash Manhattan businessman at the start of his career would 36 years later knock one word off the slogan to arrive at 2016's "Make America Great Again.". Political commentators speculated that the vacancy built "an element of instability" for the campaign. ", "Jeb can fix it," and "All in for Jeb" used by, "Defeat the Washington Machine. [59] At the end of the month, Nixon had two-thirds of the required 667 delegates necessary to win the nomination. Clinton's campaign chief James Carville coined the phrase as a reminder for campaign staff to focus on selling Clinton as the candidate to haul America out of its early '90s recession. Nixon won nine of the thirteen state primaries held that season, although due to the population of his state, Governor Reagan won the popular vote while carrying only California. Grover Cleveland, "Protection-Reciprocity-Honest Money." To the Soviet people. ", It was back to the future for Donald Trump when he dusted off a slogan used not just by Reagan, but also by the anti-immigration Populist Warren G Harding in 1920: "Make America Great Again.". The Democrat resurgence under Clinton was proclaimed under the slogan "For People, For a Change. And Nixon's decision to bomb North Vietnam and mine Haiphong Harbor to stop a Communist offensive proved highly popular. Change was again the theme for the 1976 election, when Democrat Jimmy Carter took on Gerald Ford, who became president after the Watergate scandal forced Nixon's resignation. The campaign was memorable for an unprecedented series of four televised debates between the two candidates. During that time, he joined a prestigious law firm in New York City, became financially well off, and argued a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Double entendres everywhere! Amid the Vietnam War, riots on the streets, and the counterculture, Richard Nixon appealed to the fears of what he termed the "Silent Majority," disturbed by the changes sweeping America. [66] Sources within Washington reported that Reagan caused greater concern for the Nixon campaign than Rockefeller. These victories, along with pledged delegate support from states not holding primaries, secured Nixon the nomination on the first ballot of the Republican National Convention, where he named Governor Spiro Agnew of Maryland as his running mate. [55] After the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, like the other candidates, Nixon took a break from campaigning. He went on to trounce Republican Thomas E. Dewey in the election. "All the way with LBJ" 1964 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "In Your Heart, You Know He's Right" 1964 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts" 1964 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "The Stakes Are Too High For You To Stay Home" - 1964 U.S. campaign slogan of, "Some People Talk Change, Others Cause It" , "This time, vote like your whole world depended on it" 1968 slogan of, "Nixon's the One" Richard M. Nixon, 1968, "Acid, Amnesty, and Abortion for All" 1972 anti-Democratic Party slogan, from a statement made to reporter, "Dick Nixon Before He Dicks You" Popular anti-Nixon slogan, 1972, "They can't lick our Dick" Popular campaign slogan for Nixon supporters, "Don't change Dicks in the midst of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72" Popular campaign slogan for Nixon supporters, "Unbought and Unbossed" official campaign slogan for, "A Leader, for a Change" (also "Leaders, for a Change") Jimmy Carter, "Peaches And Cream" Jimmy Carter (from, "Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?" Democrat John F. Kennedy is 1960 opted for the aspirational "A Time for Greatness" slogan in his winning 1960 bid for the presidency. [58] The endorsement of Nixon by Senator Mark Hatfield of Oregon raised speculation that he might be chosen. A Better Man. They cast the candidate as someone who understands the country's woes, and can guide America through them. [98] By October's end, Nixon began to lose his edge over Humphrey; Gallup showing he led 44% to 36%, down five points from a few weeks earlier, a decline observers attributed to Nixon's refusal of a debate with Humphrey. "A Leader, for a Change," promised Carter, pitching himself as a reformer, untainted by scandal. Nixon had a head start, however, spending 1966 campaigning for Republican candidates and cultivating party conservatives. The tactic for choosing Eisenhower's 1956 re-election campaign slogan was to stick with what works: "I still Like Ike.". It was neither. The position was soon temporarily filled by former Governor Henry Bellmon of Oklahoma. [83] In a visit to Chicago shortly after the Democratic convention, Nixon received a large welcome and ticker tape parade, with crowds estimated at several hundred thousand. "[36] Polling by Gallup at this time revealed that Nixon led President Johnson 41% to 39% in a three-way race with American Independent Party candidate and former Governor George Wallace of Alabama. [29] He campaigned in the state, although polls suggested that he would easily win its primary. "The Republicans' orderly, well run convention was a sharp contrast to their opponents' tumultuous gathering in Chicago. The Democrats nevertheless maintained control of the House and Senate, making Nixon the first President elected without his party winning either house of Congress since the nineteenth century. [38] Nixon won the primary with 80%, followed by Reagan with 11% and Stassen with 6%. [61] With his nomination all but assured, Nixon's ad team began preparing for the general election. The next month, during an interview with the Saturday Evening Post, Nixon flatly denied he was running for president. [72] In those Gallup polls following the convention, Nixon led Humphrey 45% to 29% and topped McCarthy 42% to 37%. "[71], Following the speech, Nixon formally selected Governor Spiro Agnew of Maryland as his running mate, who received 1119 delegate votes, with the distant second being Governor Romney with 186. [107][108] After the election was conceded by Vice President Humphrey, Nixon said the following in his press conference: As you will probably have heard, I have received a very gracious message from the Vice President, congratulating me for winning the election. The Vietnam War and the . 1726 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. [96] Nixon went on a whistle-stop train tour of Ohio near the end of October. Observers noted that this move potentially hurt Nixon by straying from his reputation "as a foreign policy expert". By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Presidentsusa lists slogans for Nixon in 1960 and 1968. His campaign generated slogans for supporters to turn into shareable content, which was eventually boiled down to a one-word message: "Change. [11] At this time he quietly began efforts to organize in Indiana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Wisconsin, positioning to secure victories in those states' primaries the following year. It featured cartoon elephants drumming a beat to the the catchy campaign slogan. However his pledge at the 1988 Republican convention "Read my lips, no new taxes," came back to haunt him, with Democrat Bill Clinton hammering him about the broken pledge during the 1992 election. "[78] He then traveled to Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania before returning to New York, meeting with Governor Rockefeller. [5] At the end of Eisenhower's second term in 1960, Nixon ran unopposed for the Republican nomination, which he received. List of U.S. presidential campaign slogans, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of United States political catchphrases, "The Quick 10: 10 Campaign Slogans of the Past", "Posters and Election Propaganda: "America First" Communication Management and Design Ithaca College", "One Hundred Years Ago, Eugene Debs Gave An Anti-War Speech That Landed Him in Prison", "1964 redux: The stakes are too high for you to stay at home", "The Genius of McGovern's 'Come Home, America' Vision", "Will Rabbe, Producer, Journalist & Historian Blog Most Underrated Political Slogan: "They Can't Lick Our Dick", "How Donald Trump came up with 'Make America Great Again', "Undecided: Hillary keeps shifting slogans", "McCain's Slogan: "Reform, Prosperity and Peace", "Hollywood double takes: Actors who take on famous faces - NY Daily News", "Jeb comes to South Florida, sans exclamation mark", "Jeb Bush, the 'joyful tortoise,' gives out tiny toy turtles on trail", "2016 Presidential Campaign Slogan Survey", "Rand Paul unveils populist, anti-establishment slogan", "Huckabee's Hope is From "Tree Town" to Higher Ground", "Campaign 2016: Carly Fiorina, GOP Presidential Candidate", "Michelle Obama: 'When they go low, we go high', Unsuccessful major party presidential candidates, Unsuccessful major party vice presidential candidates, elections in which the winner lost the popular vote,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from September 2022, Articles with failed verification from March 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Reannexation of Texas and Reoccupation of Oregon", "Hurrah! "Tell the Truth!" People also asked. "Stick it to the man by voting for a woman"- used by, "Feel the Bern" a common but unofficial slogan used by supporters of, "Make America Sane Again" common but unofficial slogan in support of, "Taking over the government to leave everyone alone" used by, "It's never too late to do the right thing" used by, "Restore The Soul of The Nation" used by, "Our best days still lie ahead" used by, "A new generation of leadership" used by, "Not left. Nixon was the first vice president since Martin Van Buren in 1836 to be elected president without first having succeeded to that office through the death of his predecessor, and the first non-incumbent vice president to be elected president. His efforts to address the economic and. On the strength of a single, nationally televised speech, Reagan took Goldwater's place as first in the hearts of the conservative movement, confronting Nixon with a formidable rival for the 1968 nomination. [82], Following the Democratic convention, Nixon was consistently labeled the favorite, described as "relaxed [and] confident", counter to his "unsure" self from 1960. Nixon won 49 out of 50 states, taking all but Massachusetts. , "Reduce the tariff on necessaries of life." "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine! Back to home page Return to top. The White House. He lost a close race to Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, which many credited in part to his unhealthy appearance during the first televised debate. Not right. However his pledge at the 1988 Republican convention "Read my lips, no new taxes," came back to haunt him, with Democrat Bill Clinton hammering him about the broken pledge during the 1992 election. 1928 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of, "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" Commonly cited version of a claim asserted in a Republican Party flier on behalf of the 1928 U.S. presidential campaign of, "All for 'Al' and 'Al' for All." [111][112], While overseeing an initial escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War, he subsequently ended U.S. involvement in 1973, and eliminated the draft. Answering the nation's need, Carter's slogan was "A Leader, For A Change."Nine other Democrats were seeking the nomination in 1976, most of them better known than Carter. However, polls suggested that in a head-to-head match up with incumbent President Lyndon Johnson, Nixon trailed 50% to 41%. On November 5, it was a three-way race between Nixon, Humphrey, and Wallace. Americans did, re-electing him by a landslide as America enjoyed a post-war economic boom, despite growing Cold War tensions. [22], In October, political experts predicted that Nixon would gain delegates in the important states of New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Nebraska during the primary season, scheduled to begin in March 1968. [56] Congressman George Bush of Texas and Senator Percy were also mentioned as possible selections. "[89] Gallup showed Nixon leading Humphrey 43% to 28% at the end of September. He still faced challenges from Nelson Rockefeller and Ronald Reagan, and was not on the ballot in California, where Reagan won a large slate of delegates. Copyright 2023. Eisenhower's campaign was revolutionary, as it was the first to focus on pitching the candidate thorough TV ads. Out of the wreckage of Goldwater's candidacy rose a charismatic conservative star, Ronald Wilson Reagan. 2) He wants the States to assume greater responsibility for matters . Amid the Vietnam War, riots on the streets, and the counterculture, Richard Nixon appealed to the fears of what he termed the "Silent Majority," disturbed by the changes sweeping America. The slogan has become a flashpoint in an America divided by Trump's policies, with some supporters sporting clothing emblazoned with MAGA slogans confronted in public by opponents of Trump. The Democrat resurgence under Clinton was proclaimed under the slogan "For People, For a Change. Nixon Rides the Backlash to Victory: Racial Politics in the 1968 Presidential Campaign Jeremy D. Mayer The 1968 presidential campaign between Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, and George Wallace was suffused with the politics of race. Richard M. Nixon. One of the more humorous, historic and unofficial campaign slogans was used on at least four different buttons for Richard Nixon in the early '70s. The Union decided to back Nixon over Wallace, labeling the third party candidate's beliefs as "Populist". [9], On January 7, 1967, Nixon held a secret meeting with his closest advisers to discuss a potential campaign, brainstorming strategies to obtain sufficient delegates to win the Republican nomination. In an America shaken by the 9/11 attacks he struck a more somber tone and pledged to build "A Safer World and a More Hopeful America.". , "A Tested and Trustworthy Team" Jimmy Carter and, "It's Morning Again in America" Ronald Reagan, "For New Leadership" (also "America Needs New Leadership") , "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" George H. W. Bush, "It's Time to Change America" a theme of the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign of Bill Clinton, "Putting People First" 1992 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of Bill Clinton, "Don't Change the Team in the Middle of the Stream" George H. W. Bush and, "Down with King George" Pat Buchanan, in reference to Bush, "Conservative of the Heart" Pat Buchanan, "A Voice for the Voiceless" Pat Buchanan, "I'm Ross, and you're the Boss!" The continental liar from the state of Maine!" To the Chinese people. (He also expressed outrage over claims by Nixon supporter and future Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird that Johnson had misled Nixon in briefings on the war in Vietnam.) Analysts saw the Democrat's split, along with lacking "law and order" at the convention, positioning Nixon well. "[56] Nixon refused to respond to the jabs, stating that he would not participate in attacks. Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 18:57, 1968 Republican Party presidential primaries, 1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection, Hubert Humphrey 1968 presidential campaign, "The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1968 - The First Civil Right", "Biden Had To Fight For The Presidential Nomination. When the election ended, the winner was Nixon, who had promised to calm down the heated passions Meanwhile, Rockefeller began to be viewed more as a candidate, articulating that while not wishing to split the party, he was "willing to serveif called. Find your thing. 2008 U.S. presidential campaign rallying cry of Barack Obama during the Democratic convention in Denver. The centerpiece of this self-recreation was a series of carefully managed television interview programs packaged by the Nixon campaign. He selected Thomas Eagleton as his running mate, only to learn later that the senator from Missouri had undergone treatment for mental illness. A good presidential campaign slogan is memorable, meaningful, and appealing, according to Andrew Tejerina, marketer at Big Human, . He pledged to end the war in Vietnam, but would not go into detail, drawing some criticism. He went on to trounce Republican Thomas E. Dewey in the election. Although it was an extremely close race with respect to the popular vote, Nixon won the electoral college by a 3 to 2 margin. Americans did, re-electing him by a landslide as America enjoyed a post-war economic boom, despite growing Cold War tensions. Richard Nixon is that man. Philosophy, Media, News. However, the void also caused problems for Nixon; Time argued that the prospect of soundly defeating second-tier candidates (such as former Governor Harold Stassen of Minnesota) in the primaries would not "electrify the voters". He did not connect crime to racial rioting, drawing praise from Civil Rights leaders. He was born in a small town in Southern California and . Important, Plausible, Important Things. Republicans in the Midwest pushed for Mayor John Lindsay of New York City. [79] At the end of the month, Hubert Humphrey narrowly won Democratic presidential nominee over McCarthy at the Democratic convention, which was filled with protest and riots. "Nixon's the One!" campaign slogan . He is the man who, by the action of this convention, is now Mr. Republican. Nixon campaigned for Goldwater and other Republicans that fall, earning the gratitude of conservatives, who together with their standard-bearer went down to defeat in the largest landslide in post-war history. But it was enough to earn him a second term in a landslide victory, as America stood as the world's only superpower at the end of the 20th century. Nixon won the election. Another classic, "Don't change Dicks in the midst of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72," was also part of the election vernacular. Not surprisingly, as Ford tried to move away from the former . Wallace came to national prominence early in the 1960s as a staunch segregationist and broadened his appeal to the Right by lashing out at antiwar demonstrators. The Campaign and Election of 1976: . Advertisement. , "Let Us Have Peace" 1868 presidential campaign slogan of, "Vote as You Shot" 1868 presidential campaign slogan of Ulysses S. Grant, "Peace, Union, and constitutional government." George W. Bush clinched a narrow victory over Vice President Al Gore in 2000, echoing his father's 1988 campaign with his "Compassionate Conservatism" slogan. On the Sunday preceding the election, Nixon appeared on Meet the Press, explaining that he would cooperate completely with Johnson, phoning the President shortly thereafter to personally reassure him. "[7] In September, the New York Post published an article claiming that campaign donors were buying influence with Nixon by providing him with a secret cash fund for his personal expenses. But Reagan had never held public office and had to run for governor of California before he could be a credible presidential candidate. There are also other phrases that are not strictly campaign slogans, but describe a policy or set of programs proposed . Country/Region: United States. "Change We Need." and "Change." - 2008 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of Barack Obama during the general election. Goldwater would later remark that his party continued to believe that Nixon "can't be elected" due to his "loser" label. 2 minutes. "[87] Nixon campaigned in San Francisco in front of 10,000 supporters, amidst an array of protests. used by, "MATH - Make America Think Harder" used by, "Building Opportunity Together" used by, "Promises Made, Promises Kept" used by Trump's campaign, "Buy American, Hire American" used by Trump's campaign, "Make Our Farmers Great Again" used by Trump's campaign, "Build the Wall and Crime Will Fall" used by Trump's campaign, "Jobs, Not Mobs" used by Trump's campaign, "Leadership America Deserves" used by. They advised him to soften his stance on the war, and encouraged him to shift his focus from foreign affairs to domestic policy to avoid the divisive war issue. The winning slogan from every US presidential campaign since 1948, Frank Sinatra's special version of his song, the slogan "It's Morning Again in America, Vivo V27 Pro Review: Capable camera performance in a sleek form factor, A woman threw a house party with 65 men she matched with on Tinder and Hinge and connected with the man she's now been dating for a year, Amazon will halt construction of its planned $2.5 billion Virginia headquarters, the company doubles down on cost-cutting, 'Let's get real': scientists discover a new way climate change threatens cold-blooded animals, IISc researchers show chemically-modified nanosheets are effective for biomedical applications, SC extends stay on order quashing write-off of Yes Bank's AT1 bonds. Woodrow Wilson 1916 U.S. presidential campaign slogan, "War in Europe Peace in America God Bless Wilson" Woodrow Wilson 1916 U.S. presidential campaign slogan, "America First" 1920 US presidential campaign theme of, "Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge" The 1924 presidential campaign slogan of, "Who but Hoover?" He pointed to the peace and prosperity of the Eisenhower administration and assured the voters that he would maintain American prestige, leadership, and military strength. [5] In 1952, he was selected by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican nominee for president, as his vice presidential nominee.
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